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Fellow Travellers

Art as a tool to change the world

Sat, September 21, 2024 – Sun, June 08, 2025

Installation von Zheng Guogu im Rahmen der Ausstellung »Fellow Travellers« © ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe, Foto: Felix Grünschloß
Atrium 8+9, 1st floor
Entrance fee
Free admission on Sat, September 21, 2024

With »Fellow Travellers« we are creating a polyphonic and dynamic exhibition space at ZKM, through which artists, scientists, communities, and citizens can collaborate and learn from each other. Collectively, we want to find new, practical ways to shape our planetary coexistence. 

Our shared human history is a testament to our ability to work together to achieve remarkable things. However, we have also managed to build the economic and power structures that today have unbalanced the Earth so drastically. It seems now that we are on the verge of collapse, triggered by the effects of rapid technological progress. Problems in the areas of climate, the economy, regional conflicts, cultural identity, migration flows, and resource scarcity urgently need to be addressed. Artificial intelligence, quantum computing, bioscience, robotics, and technology also present us with enormous challenges yet to come.

So far, we have not succeeded in realizing an alternative form of society that could bring our world back into balance. But even though great utopias such as communism have failed, most of the people continue to share the ideals of a just, communal society. These intellectual companions, or “Fellow Travellers” as they were called in the 20th century, still exist today. However, this type of fellowship is no longer based on a political doctrine, but on the goal of creating a culture and an environment worth living in. All over the world, artists and activists are using technological tools in their everyday lives, at a local level, to change the world around them. Geographic location is becoming less of a factor in the ability of communities to have agency. It should now be possible to enable a growing network of these multiple and diverse projects, generating and implementing ideas across and beyond the traditional centers of power.

Modernist art was based on the desire to change the world, but the influences of markets and museums have repeatedly reduced it to “art for art's sake”. While socially and politically engaged art has often been critical and challenging, it is actual practical change that we should now be concerned with.

The »Fellow Travellers« exhibition at ZKM aims to capture this spirit and run with it. The artistic projects on display do not just present ideas or highlight problems. They all strive to overcome the traditions of representation and move into action and implementation by actively changing their environment. At a time when we fear for the future, these projects and their stories give us hope and inspiration. As such, this exhibition is not conceived as a static presentation, it is also intended to have an impact outside the museum – as a laboratory in which ideas and tools can be exchanged and new projects can grow and be added to: a hive of tactics and techniques to change the world.

At the heart of the exhibition is the »Useum«: a place that can be used by people to connect these ideas and projects and develop new solutions, a place where we can address the issues affecting our locality in correspondence with active communities in other specific places around the globe. It is a place for making and doing together in fellowship.

Admin Title
Highlighted passage artist FF

We are all »Fellow Travellers«

In and through the landscapes, laboratories and presentations such as Zheng Guogu, Paulo Tavares, CATPC, Matters of Evidence, the Bio Design Lab and the Asociación de Arte Útil, we invite you on a journey to make connections and solutions for the world around us. 



A project initiated by Alistair Hudson, conceived and produced in a collaboration across the ZKM

Core team

Daniel Pies, Gloria Aino Grzywatz (Curators and Project lead) 
Anett Holzheid (Research and Concept)
Banu Beyer, Lisa Bartling, Katharina Kern (Useum)
Janina Hilberer (Common Grounds)
Tina Lorenz, Götz Dipper, Johannes Jensen (Rohrpost)
Janine Burger, Alexandra Hermann (Education curators)
Matthias Gommel (Scenography)
Max Clausen (Video production)
Anne Thomé (Communication)
Hanna Jurisch (Curatorial producer)
Lilli Roser (Assistant Alistair Hudson)

Technical team and Restauration

Matthias Gommel (Project lead)
Leonie Rök, Marlies Peller, Morgan Stricot, Matthieu Vlaminck (Restauration)
Natascha Daher (Registrar)
Volker Becker, Claudius Böhm, Mirco Fraß, Rainer Gabler, Gregor Gaissmaier, Jan Gerigk, Daniel Heiss, Christof Hierholzer, Werner Hutzenlaub, Gisbert Laaber, Christian Nainggolan, Marco Preitschopf, Martin Schläfke, Marc Schütze, Niklas Wallbaum, Karl Wedemeyer, Tobias Zilly (Construction team)

Supporting team

Ralf Eger (Funding)
Jens Lutz, Ulrike Havemann, Miriam Stürner (Publications)
Anna Maganuco, Silke Sutter (Travel management)
Marlen Ernst, Sabine Jäger, Emma Teuscher, Anouk Widmann (Communication & Marketing)
Regine Frisch, Ulrich Steinberg (Guided tours and Workshops)
Majuri Shanmugamani, Shania Weiß (FSJ, Voluntary Social Year in Culture, Mediation)
Viola Gaiser, Wolfgang Knapp, Henning Möller, Lucia Stockinger, Marcus Thiel, Manuel Weber (Event)
and the Administration team (Contracts, accounting, shop, ticketing, IT)

Graphic design

2xGoldstein, Karlsruhe


Carsten Bösel, Dan Lawler 


With the consultation of the following ZKM Departments

Curatorial team

Philipp Ziegler (Head) with Clara Runge, Laura Schmidt, Maria Karra, Janis Ströver, Gina Marie Schwenzfeier

Wissen (Collections, Archives and Research)

Margit Rosen (Head) with Sarah Donata Schneider, Hartmut Jörg, Andreas Kohlbecker, Anika Wilcox, Felix Mittelberger, Dorcas Müller, Christian Haardt, Andreas Brehmer, Petra Zimmermann, Christiane Minter, Regina Strasser, Björn Stratmann 

Video studio

Christina Zartmann (Head) with Moritz Büchner, Andy Koch

Thanks to

the artists, the lenders, the project partners and external companies (Artinate, COMYK, Essential Art Solutions, Richfelder) and to the entire ZKM team.

ZKM Board

Alistair Hudson (CEO) and Helga Huskamp (COO) 

ZKM Head of Administration

Boris Kirchner

Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

