BS DC Import ID
BS DC Import Time
Design - Head - Color

Education ≠ Human Capital

Wed, November 24, 2010 10:00 am CET

Media Theater
The debate about education in Germany has been significantly restricted in past years to discussion of the mediation of directly marketable knowledge. Fundamental reforms of the educational system, such as those realized in the context of the “Bologna process,” clearly express this pure efficiency oriented economization of the educational system. However, “education” means more than the mediation of directly utilizable knowledge. Higher socio-political tasks, such as the assurance of social cohesion, promotion of cultural development, and strengthening of democracy, are not possible without progressive education that also leads to an ability to make normative judgments. A very narrow limitation of the concept of education to the interests of individual companies would, in the long term, also be counterproductive economically as inventions and innovations relevant to growth require free space for creative thinking and incalculable action.


10 a.m.

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Jan-Olaf Ratdke (Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main)

10.45 a.m.
PD Dr. Alexander Thumfart (University of Erfurt)
»Im Gitternetz. Das post-moderne Wissen unterm Bologna-Modul«

11.30 a.m.
Dr. Michael Mangold (ZKM | Institute for Media, Education, and Economics)
»Bildung, Begabung und Nützlichkeit«

12.15 p.m.
Dr. Uwe Hochmuth (University of Arts and Design Karlsruhe)

1 p.m.
Lunch break

2 p.m.
Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Grunwald (Schweizerisches Epilepsie-Zentrum)
and Prof. Dr. Heiner Mühlmann (University of Arts and Design Karlsruhe)
»Kulturelle kognitive Reserven«

2.45 p.m.
Prof. Dr. Micha Brumlick (Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main)
»Von Berlin über Freiburg nach Bologna«

3.30 p.m.
Final discussion

Organizing Organization / Institution

Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

