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Jaroslaw Kapuscinski

Jarosław Kapuściński, 2024
© Jarosław Kapuściński, photo: Dave Kerr

Year of birth, place


Role at the ZKM

  • Guest Artist

Institute / Department

  • Institute for Visual Media
  • Institute for Music and Acoustics


Jarosław Kapuściński is an intermedia composer and pianist born in Poland. He studied piano and composition at the Chopin Academy of Music in Warsaw and furthered his education in multimedia and intermedia art during doctoral studies at the University of California, San Diego, and a residency at Banff Centre for the Arts in Canada.

Kapuściński presented his works at numerous gallery and concert venues worldwide, including the Museum of Modern Art in New York (MoMA), the National Reina Sofía Museum in Madrid, the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, National Arts Centre in Canada, the Experimental Media And Performing Arts Center (EMPAC), ZKM | Karlsruhe and Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco. He has also received awards for his intermedia art at the UNESCO Film sur l'Art Festival in Paris, the VideoArt Festival in Locarno, and the International Festival of New Cinema and New Media in Montréal.

Apart from his career as a composer and performer, Kapuściński is also an educator. He has lectured internationally and held positions at institutions such as McGill University and the Conservatory of Music at the University of the Pacific. Currently, he is an Associate Professor of Composition at Stanford University.

1987M. Mus (Piano), Frédéric Chopin Academy of Music, Warsaw
1989Diploma (Composition, Computer animation and Video), Banff Center School of Fine Arts
1991M. Mus. (Composition) Frédéric Chopin Academy of Music, Warsaw (W. Kotonski)
1991-1992Institut National de l’Audiovisuel, Paris (Directing, Composition, Animation)
1993-1995Research Assistant, Center for Research in Computing and the Arts, San Diego
1995-1996works as director and composer for the Polish TV
1997Ph.D. (Music and Multimedia), University of California, San Diego (studies i. a. with M. Puckette and Rand Steiger)
1997-1999Research Fellow, Center for Research in Computing and the Arts, San Diego
2000Research Fellow, Mc Gill University, Montréal
Grants and Awards (selected)
1992Monte Verita-Prize, »VideoArt Festival«, Locarno [CH]
 Grant of the European Comisssion, »VideoArt Festival«, Locarno [CH]
1993Grand Prix Cita di Locarno, category: Performance, »VideoArt Festival«, Locarno [CH]
 Special Mention, category : Research, »UNESCO International Film on Art Festival«, Paris [F]
 Audience Award, »Manifestation Internationale Video et Art Electronique«, Montréal [CDN]
1999-2000Artist-in Residence, ZKM⎥Institute for Visual Media and ZKM⎥Institute for Music and Acoustics, Karlsruhe [D]
Performances, Festivals, Exhibitions (selected)
1987/92/97/99/00»Warsaw Autumn, International Festival of Contemporary Music«, Warsaw [PL]
1990»Lerchenborg Music Days« [DK]
1992/1993»VideoArt, Festival International de la Vidéo et des Arts Electroniques«, Locarno [CH]
 »15. Tokyo Video Festival«, Tokyo [JP]
1993/95/97/99»WRO, International Sound Basis Visual Art Festival«, Wroclaw [PL]
1993/ 1995»Manifestation Internationale Vidéo et Art Électronique«, Montréal [CDN]
 »Videofest«, Berlin [D]
1994Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid [E]
 »World Wide Video Festival«, The Hague [NL]
 »experiMENTAL«, Zurich [CH]
1995»Mondrian and his contemporaries«, Musée d'Art Moderne, Palais de Tokyo, Paris [F]
1995/1998»Audio Art Festival«, Center for Contemporary Art, Warsaw [PL]
1996»Elektronische Nacht, Musik der Jahrhunderte«, Neue Musikhochschule Stuttgart [D]
1997»New trends in international video«, Museum of Modern Art, New York [USA]
 »verbivocovisual in the digital domain«, Center for Research in Computing and the Arts, San Diego [USA]
 »International Computer Music Conference«, Thessaloniki [GR]
1998»surroGate 1«, ZKM Karlsruhe [D]
1999»5. A-DEvantgarde Festival«, Munich [D]
2000»Festival du Nouveau Cinema et Media«, Montréal [CDN]
 »World @ Art«, Aalborg [DK]
Works (selected)
»Impromptu« for tape, 1986
»Jatayu« for piano and tape [13 min], 1987
»Miniatures«, für Violine und Synthesizer, 1988
»Chagalliana I« for amplified violin, synthesizer and tape [15 min], 1990
»Esquisses affectives« for symphonic orchestra, 1991
Audio-visual works:
»Mondrian Variations«, 1992 [video; 10 min]
»Catch the Tiger!«, for amplified piano, tape and video projection [10min], 1993
»Glass of Water« for amplified flute, tape and video projection [8 min], 1993
»Japatul«, für Trommel, Tonband und Videoprojektion, 1995
»Mudras«, 1996 [video; 13 min]
»3/78« for amplified violin, piano and tape [to an animated film by  Larry Cuba; 6 min], 1999
Works in connection with the ZKM
»Yours« [work in progress], project for simulation platform; installation/performance, 1999 (in collaboration with Nik Haffner)
Collections and Museums
Mondriaanhuis Museum, Amersfoort [NL]
Bibliography (selected)
Mamoru, Fujieda,: "Music Days - Festival", in: »Music Today Quarterly«, No. 11
Fritts, Larry: "ICMC Reviews", in: »Array. Magazine of the International Computer Music Association«, Winter 1997
Kapuscinski, J.: "Kompozycja audiowizualna, [Audiovisual composition]", tr. Jaroslaw Kordaczuk, in: »Monochord. De musica acta, studia et commentarii«, Vol. XIX, Torun 1998
Echtler, Jürgen: "Hör-Spiele", in: »Süddeutsche Zeitung«, June 15th, Munich 1999
Kapuscinski, J., McLaren: "Synergist", in: »WRO99 Media Art Biennale Catalog«, Open Studio/ WRO Foundation [ed.], Wroclaw 1999


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

