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Open House Day 2016

A Day of Encounter

Wed, January 06, 2016

© ZKM | Center for Art and Media, photo: Fidelis Fuchs
We cordially invite the public to our Open House Day! We will welcome all citizens of Karlsruhe as well as all people of different origins and cultures with a free program for young and old alike. We would like to celebrate a day of encounter together.

In cooperation with local and regional refugee organizations and helpers there will be guided tours through the art exhibitions in numerous languages, as well as music, workshops, cinema, puppet theater and much more. For refreshment we will be offering culinary delicacies at low prices. We truly look forward to seeing you!


11 am–6:30 pm    
  Action guided tour »Länder.Leute.Linien« through the ZKM exhibitions & behind the scenes
In German, alternately with translations into English, French, and Arabic
Meeting Point & Registration: Main stand, ZKM_Foyer, ground floor
Museum Rally for old and young
Meeting Point & Registration: Rally stand, ZKM_Foyer, ground floor
  Babylonian Reading and Writing Memory Game & Book Corner
Playing and reading
mint_lounge, ground floor
11 am–6 pm    
  come together at FLICK_KA
Holding on to Friendships
  3D Printer Workshop ZKM_Museum Balcony, first floor
  Animated Films for Children (from 0 years old)
Screenings of short films
ZKM_Lecture Hall
  Freedom Skaters at ZKM
Skating, listening to music, meeting, chilling
Hochschule für Gestaltung [University of Art and Design] (HfG), Atrium 4
  Menschen [Human Beings]
A film by Grégory Darcy
ZKM_Media Lounge, first floor
  Kill your Phone!
ZKM_BÄM, ZKM_Lichthof 9, 1. OG
  Play sibi – Generate your own Artwork
Workshop in the context of ArtOnYourScreen (AOYS)
Hochschule für Gestaltung [University of Art and Design] (HfG), Atrium 3
11 am–1 pm create your own playlist
Listening to music interactively
ZKM_Cube, first floor
11:15 pm & 2:30 pm Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves
Marotte Puppet Theater visits ZKM
with Thomas Hänsel and Ruşen Kartaloğlu
ZKM_Media Theater, ground floor
11:30 am & 1 pm Tanz auf fremdem Terrain [Dance on Foreign Soil]
Workshop & Performance by/with Grégory Darcy
11:30 am: ZKM_Music Balcony, first floor
1 pm: ZKM_Media Thater, ground floor
1:30 am–2:15 pm Exploring the Trumpet
Discussion and Performance with Mazen Kerbaj, Lebanese musician & cartoonist
ZKM_Cube, first floor
3:30 pm–4 pm Concert by Mazen Kerbaj
with trumpet & electronics
ZKM_Cube, first floor
4 pm Delivery of Donations from ZKM to Karlsruhe Refugee Organizations ZKM_Foyer, ground floor
4:30 pm Sound Dome Concert ZKM_Cube, first floor
5 pm Dem Fremden mit Offenheit begegnen [Facing the Unfamiliar with Openness]
Panel discussion in cooperation with Roncalli Forum
ZKM_Media Theater

it is more blessed to give than to receive

(Acts 20:35)
Thousands of people are fleeing their homeland. They are seeking refuge against war and suffering. They fear for their life. In this time of need we would like to help our fellow human beings and advocate a culture of coexistence – together with you! That is why the ZKM | Karlsruhe has set up a donations account whose proceeds will benefit the aid to refugees in Karlsruhe. We provide the aid which we would also hope for ourselves, because it is more blessed to give than to receive.
Please donate to the account
IBAN: DE10 6605 0101 0108 0634 21
Payment reference: Wir geben (We give)

Organizing Organization / Institution

ZKM | Karlsruhe
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

