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Open House Day 2019

Sun, January 06, 2019 11:00 am – 6:00 pm CET

On January, 6, 2019, we would like to invite you to an open day at the ZKM with a rich program and free admission.

Guided tours, workshops, presentations, concerts with contemporary music and other exciting events promise an entertaining day at the ZKM for young and old. Fine foods will be offered at convenient prices.

The main focus this year is not only on the closing of our exhibition »Open Codes«, but also on our 30th anniversary and the opening of the exhibition »Writing the History of the Future« on February, 23, 2019.

Children, parents, grandparents, artists, cultural newbies and enthusiasts are invited to explore the ZKM in a diverse variety of ways on Open House Day - whether at the ZKM Triathlon, a museum rally, an Instawalk, or a classic guided tour through our exhibitions.

In addition, exciting workshops are offered in which jewellery can be made from electronic waste or plants can be combined with mini computers. In the newly designed exhibition »zkm_gameplay. the next level«, an escape room as well as various computer games promises a lot of fun.


11 am – 5:30 pm


Guided tours and action guided tours 

throughout in numerous ZKM exhibitions & behind the scenes
additionally one French and one English guided tour is offered as well as curatorial tours

Meeting Point & Registration: Main stand, Foyer



Workshops and Presentations



11 am – 5:30 pm

Museum Rally for old and young



11 am – 4 pm


Video footage from 30 years of ZKM

Media Theater


11 am – 6 pm

The Support Association ZKM / HfG e.V. presents itself 

Become a member, participate actively



11 am – 5:30 pm

Upcycle it

jewellery workshop made from electronic waste

Music Balcony, Atrium 7, first floor


11 am – 5:30 pm

Let’s code & plant!

Experimental Coding-Workshop 

Ackerspace, Atrium 8+9


11 am – 6 pm

Picture search-game in the library

Library , first floor


11 am – 6 pm

PIPS:LAB Potator

Interactive Installation/ Workshop/ Performance by the artist group PIPS:LAB

Lecture Hall, ground floor


11 am – 4:30 pm

Der ZKM-Triathlon – Hightlight of the day

Contest through various stations with the opportunity to win fantastic prizes

Participation only with ZKM-Triathlon-Pass
available at the information point  and in the library 




11 am – 1 pm

Guido's Code #C

interactive sound installation by Götz Dipper



11:30 am – 5 pm 


Unravel the mystery of a room within 20 minutes

6 persons/group, registration on site

max_room, Atrium 1, second floor


12:35 – 1pm


1:45 – 2:15 pm

Spacecraft Tour: Luftdaten aus Accra und Karlsruhe

Walk to Spacecraft_ZKM in the exhibition »Digital Imaginaries«.

Meeting point

Guide stand, Foyer


1:30 – 3:00


MyCity, MySounds: Tomoko Hojo / Rahel Kraft

Presentation & Performance by guest artists Hojo/Kraft

within the framework of the project »Interfaces«

Cube, first floor


3:30 – 4:30 pm


Presentation ZKM | Hertz-Lab

The Hertz-Labor at the ZKM introduces itself

Cube, first floor


4 – 6 pm

Open Discussion: What does Open Access mean? 
Series of discussions with Karlsruhe initiatives in the context of the exhibition »Open Codes«

OpenHUB, Atrium 8+9 



5 - 6 pm

Sound Dome concert 

Best-of electroacoustic artworks developed at the ZKM 

Cube, first floor


5 pm


In & Out. The canon as a initiator of cultural identity?

panel discussion – Roncalli Forum and ZKM

Media Theater


Organizing Organization / Institution

ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

