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AppArtAward 2016

Fri, July 15, 2016 8:00 pm CEST

© ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe
Media Theater

Save the Date! The AppArtAward takes place for the sixth time.

After five successful competitions, we will celebrate the 6th AppArtAward anniversary this year. The ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Cyberforum e.V. and their partners are looking again for the best artworks in app format. The AppArtAward honors apps that represent advanced artistic applications. Besides artistic aspects the creative integration as well as the use of options offered by new technologies is important. The award ceremony takes place at ZKM | Karlsruhe on Friday, July 15, 2016, at 8 pm. This year's categories are: »Special Prize for Connected Art«, »Special Prize for Virtual Reality«, »Special Prize for Art + Experience« and »Special Prize for Sharing«. Each of the four awards is endowed with 10,000 €.

The submitted apps show an enormous scope of ideas, which turn your mobile device into a medium of creativity and artistic perception. During the award ceremony, you will enjoy an eventful program including: DJ Spooky and Lichtgestalten.

Categories 2016

Prize for Artistic Innovation

New technologies create new fields of social, economic and artistic action. The »Artistic Innovation Prize« addresses all creative, innovative app developments that make use of the creative scope of the medium as a whole.

Special Prize for Connected Art

The aim of the »Internet of Things« is to minimize the information gap between the real and virtual worlds. »Connected App Art« is looking for new ideas and solutions for the challenge of IoT (e.g. Smart Home Systems) and »Wearables« (use of smartphones with everyday objects, which are equipped with processors, sensors, network technology etc.).
Sponsored by CAS Software AG

Special Prize for Virtual Reality

With the increased use of Virtual Reality (VR), there is talk in the media this year of a “Year of VR”. The »Virtual Reality AppArtAward« focuses on the interactions and artistic design of a virtual room, with the emphasis on conventional VR glasses for smartphones (Google Cardboard VR, Durovis Dive, etc.).
Sponsored by MFG Medien- und Filmgesellschaft

Special Prize for Art + Experience

Today many of our experiences and interactions with the virtual world are fragmented across the devices we use and still dominated by the visual interaction. How will sound, gesture and wearables influence and extend our experience as one subject that constantly traverses between the physical and virtual world? The »AppArtAward for Art + Experience« asks artists to provide first answers to how we will dissolve the physical/virtual divide and how this might impact the concept of the human subject.
Sponsored by SAP

Special Prize for Sharing

»Sharing« is a current trend in many fields. This category focuses on the motto of »Sharing, Exchanging, Renting, Giving«. The focus here is on the principle of the sharing economy, rather than the artistic aspect. Using instead of Owning. shareBW is an initiative from the Ministry of Science, Research and Arts Baden-Württemberg and its partners with the goal to promote and implement fascinating ideas relating to the sharing economy, using modern information and communication technologies.
Sponsored by shareBW

Organizing Organization / Institution

ZKM | Karlsruhe, CyberForum
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

