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The Contour of Stars – New Directions in Science, Business, and Art

Wed, November 02, 2022 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm CET

© Photo: Giovanni Basile, ZEISS, CRT

How is novelty created in science, business, and art? An interdisciplinary salon talk and a concert by Ensemble Modern take on this question. The highlight will be the premiere of a new work by the Israeli composer Emmanuel Witzthum, which was created as part of his creative residency at the ZEISS Innovation Hub @ KIT.

In what ways can science, business, and art really bring forth something new? What processes and frameworks, what skills are required? Where are the differences and similarities between the disciplines? And what role do luck and chance play?

In his creative residency at the ZEISS Innovation Hub @ KIT in the fall of 2021, the musician and artist Emmanuel Witzthum engaged with precisely these questions. He accompanied ZEISS employees during the brainstorming, implementation, and presentation of innovation projects, observed the Hub team in their everyday work, and actively introduced artistic approaches and ways of thinking into scientific practice.

Witzthum brought these experiences to bear on his new work The Contour of Stars. The heart of the composition is a graphic score that visualizes the processes of thought, discussion, and negotiation that characterized the collaboration. To complement Witzthum’s piece, Ensemble Modern will perform other works based on graphic notation.

Ensemble Modern is one of the world’s best-known and leading contemporary music performance groups, describing itself as “a curious loudspeaker for music of our times: courageous, uncompromising, energetic. ” The internationally renowned live coder Flor de Fuego will accompany the ensemble’s guest performance at ZKM | Karlsruhe with visuals generated in real time, allowing the experimental form of notation to be experienced sensually.

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7 – 8pm
Salon Talk with:

Eva Böcker, cellist and co-founder of the Ensemble Modern

Prof. Dr. Dr. Rafaela Hillerbrand, Professor for Ethics of Technology, Philosophy of Science, and the Assessment of Complex Forms of Knowledge at the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis of KIT

Dr. Max Riedel, Head of the ZEISS Innovation Hub @ KIT

Prof. Dr. Matthias Weidemüller, Prorector for Innovation and Transfer and Full Professor for Experimental Physics at Heidelberg University

Emmanuel Witzthum, composer, musician, cultural entrepreneur, and artistic Director of the Jerusalem Season of Culture

Markus Brock, moderator

8 – 8:30pm

8:30 – end

Emmanuel Witzthum »The Contour of Stars«, (2022), for flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, 2 violas, and 2 cellos, 22’, (world premiere)

Hanne Darbroven »Sextett Op. 44, 2. Satz«, (1998-99), for 2 violins, 2 violas, cello, and double bass, 6’

Jessie Cox »One-Sheet Scores«, (2020), for flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, piano, 2 violins, viola, 2 cellos, and double Bass, 10’

Cornelius Cardew »Treatise for Variable Instruments«, (1963), for flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, piano, 2 violins, viola, 2 violoncellos, and double Bass, 10’

Impressum information

Impressum information

Dr. Helga Huskamp (COO ZKM | Karlsruhe)

ZKM | Hertz-Lab

Ludger Brümmer (Artistic director) | Dominik Kautz (Project manager, organization & program) | Benjamin Miller (Sound director) | Hans Gass (Light & stage technician) | Florian Schirmer (Intern)

ZKM | Communication & Marketing

Felix Brenner | Marlen Ernst | Samira Kaiser | Svenja Liebig | Leticia Martinez-Schulze | Anne Thomé | Anouk Widmann | Elisabeth Zimmermann

ZKM | Video Studio

Moritz Büchner | Max Clausen | Sabine Jäger | Andy Koch | Lisa Michel | Mahir Mohamed Mustafa | Peter Müller | Christina Zartmann


Organizing Organization / Institution

ZKM | Centre for art and media Karlsruhe


An event of KIT in cooperation with ZEISS Inovation Hub @ KIT, Ensemble Modern, and ZKM | Karlsruhe


The evening is supported by Carl Zeiss AG.

Accompanying program
  • Sponsors


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

