BS DC Import ID
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What if Educators took over the Museum?

Thu, March 21 – Fri, March 22, 2024

ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, photo: Elias Siebert
Atrium 8+9

The concept of the »useful museum« sees art institutions as places for social responsibility and defines curatorial practice as social practice. This is where the »Non-Conference« comes in and asks: What if educators took over the museum?

In open workshops, radio discussions, lectures and over a shared meal, we want to think about topics such as health, technology, education and society from an artistic perspective.

We will be guided by the following scenarios:
What if museums were responsible for society's wellbeing? 
What if museums changed our notion of technology?
What if museums inspired us to do things artistically?
What if educators took over the museum?

Radio broadcast
Starting Thu, 21.03., 3:15 pm

Import ID
Admin Title
D7 Paragraph: r17_text / GPC_ID: 152170
flex-row-9-3 reverse

We welcome participants from the ZKM's interlocal network as well as museum staff, (art) educators, cultural practitioners, students and policy makers.

At the Non-Conference we will discuss with Tania Aedo, Asian Feminist Studio for Art and Research (AFSAR), Leonhard Bartolomeus, Kathrin Gerling and Anna-Lena Meiners, Alistair Hudson, Sarah Jansen, Anna Jehle and Juliane Schickedanz, Markus Klute, Nicole KreckelMicha Pallesche, Clive Parkinson, Renan Laru-An, Tina Lorenz, Shusha Niederberger and others, and follow workshops by Cem A., Cola Taxi OkayDas Bündnis für kulturelle Bildung, DIDAE (Digital Didactics in Art Education), Erdmännchen&Bär (Digital learning - For everyone), Kitchen_Ferm_Lab and others.

The Non-Conference will take place on site, the talks and radio discussions will be broadcast live as a radio stream. You can tune in to the radio stream via the ZKM website, Station of Commons relaying on lumbung Radio, and Campus Radio Karlsruhe. Individual contributions will be published afterwards.

The Non-Conference will be held in German and English. 
Individual English-language contributions will be translated.


Import ID
Admin Title
D7 Paragraph: r17_faq / GPC_ID: 148667
Import ID
Admin Title
D7 Paragraph: r17_faq / GPC_ID: 148668


  1. Import ID
    Admin Title
    D7 Paragraph: r17_faq_item / GPC_ID: 148669

    Thursday, March 21, 2024, 2 pm – 10 pm CET

    2 pm – 3 pm CET
    museum balcony

    3 pm – 4 pm CET
    Dan Wilcox, Artist and software developer, ZKM | Hertz Labor 

    with the ZKM Non-Conference Team
    and the Zentrum für Kulturelle Teilhabe
    museum balcony, music balcony and Atrium 8, 1st floor
    4 pm – 5 pm CET
    Walk-in Workshops*
    Cem A. & Lilli Roser, Cola Taxi Okay, Das Bündnis für kulturelle Bildung, DiDAE (Digital Didactics in Art Education), Kitchen_Ferm_Lab, Christina Zartmann & Sabine Jäger 
    Atrium 8, 1st floor

    5 pm – 5:30 pm CET
    Talk: Doing Technology Artistically
    with Tania Aedo (Coordinator, Cátedra Max Aub – Transdisciplina en Arte y Tecnología)
    Atrium 8, 1st floor
    5:45 pm – 6:45 pm CET
    Radio discussions: What if museums changed our notion of technology?
    Open Mics with Charmaine Poh and Hanwen Zhang from the Asian Feminist Studio for Art and Research (AFSAR), Sarah Jansen (freelance hardware developer, CEO of cyberkombinat GmbH), Tina Lorenz (Head of Hertz-Labor, ZKM | Karlsruhe), Shusha Niederberger (Researcher, IFCAR Institute for Contemporary Art Research, ZHdK) and Marek Tuszynski, Tactical Tech. 

    and Walk-in Workshops*
    Cem A. & Lilli Roser, Das Bündnis für kulturelle Bildung, DiDAE (Digital Didactics in Art Education), Kitchen_Ferm_Lab, Christina Zartmann & Sabine Jäger 
    Atrium 8, 1st floor
    6:30 pm – 8 pm CET
    with DJ Enkidu
    music balcony




    Together, we create beautiful pompoms out of yarn in a colorful and cozy seating area. These pompoms will then be lovingly connected to form a carpet that will adorn the space of COLA TAXI OKAY, making the workshop participants an integral part of the intercultural association. In this inspiring environment, we have plenty of space for exchange.

    LET'S SEND LOVE provides the opportunity to extend the reach of the Non-Conference beyond the borders of Karlsruhe. Postcards, stamps, and a mailbox will be available in our thoughtfully designed corner, where we invite participants to capture their experiences and spread joy.

    Museum Educators are MehrWert*!
    Das Bündnis für kulturelle Bildung
    Marcel D'Apuzzo, Simon PfeffelBirgit Reich and Annie We 

    What would be appropriate fees for museum educators? What could a fair and rewarding collaboration between freelancers and museums look like? How to negotiate and can I do that at all? Come along to the open discussions, contribute your questions, experiences, and needs, take away important know-how to set your fees and a lot of self-confidence for negotiations! Freelance mediators as well as museum employees and patrons are invited.

    Any Idea? How to Work with Digital Tools in Art and Design
    DiDAE – Digital Didactics in Art Education
    Helena Schmidt and Franziska Thurner 

    The workshop is based on the ERASMUS+ project »Digital Didactics in Are Education« (, in which tools for artistic and creative work in the digital space were collected and analyzed. Based on the web platform, we are presenting a game that helps to convey and get to know the digital toolbox in analog space. The platform represents around 100 free tools of varying complexity from the categories of drawing, animation, design, sound and beyond. In the workshop, we will get to know and experiment with these tools and reflect together on possible application scenarios for the digital tools.

    Consultation with KIMCHI, KOJI AND KOMBUCHA 
    Max Kosorić and Fanny Kranz 

    Fermentation is the oldest form of food preservation. With the help of various microorganisms, refinement processes are created that release new and delicious flavours. After many intensive workshops on the topic of wild fermentation, the Kitchen_Ferm_Lab has moved from the kitchen to the garden and now to the exhibition rooms of the Non_Conference. Since 2020, the two art educators and designers Fanny Kranz and Max Kosoric have been fermenting together with many different.

    Write your picture. AI experiments with »text-to-image« generators
    Christina Zartmann and Sabine Jäger  

    Everyone is talking about artificially generated images, but have you ever used an image generator? After a brief introduction, we invite you to experiment with AI software yourself at our hands-on stations and discuss the new developments together.

    AI-generated images are images that are created by computers using artificial intelligence. This technology enables machines to generate realistic images by learning patterns and structures from large amounts of data and then using them to create new images. The AI is controlled via so-called »prompts«, which are written instructions or questions that are addressed to AI models in order to obtain specific outputs.

    Meme-thinking and Meme-making / TikTok: The Art of Recreation
    Cem A. und Lilli Roser 

    Meme-thinking and Meme-making
    The first half of the workshop is called Meme-thinking. In this part, we will discuss theories ranging from media and cultural studies to art history, illustrating how memes can be contextualized within this framework. In the second half (titled Meme-making), we will go through the step-by-step process of making memes and start creating memes together in a collaborative format. Please bring your smartphone and install the app mimetic.

    TikTok: The Art of Recreation
    We will dive into the dynamics of TikTok culture in the first half, exploring trends, memes and the specific storytelling of the platform. In the second half of the workshop, it's all about hands-on creativity as we (re)create TikTok content together in smaller groups. Please bring your smartphone and install the app TikTok.

  2. Import ID
    Admin Title
    D7 Paragraph: r17_faq_item / GPC_ID: 148670

    Friday, March 22, 2024, 10 am – 6 pm CET

    10 am – 10:30 am CET
    Intro with coffee and croissant
    museum balcony, music balcony

    10:30 am – 10:45 am CET 
    with the Non-Conference Team
    Aterium 8, 1st floor

    10:45 am – 11:15 am CET
    Talk: Doing Education Artistically
    with Leonhard Bartolomeus (Curator, Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM])
    Atrium 8, 1st floor

    11:30 am – 12:30 pm CET
    Radio discussions: What if Educators took over the Museum?
    Open Mics with Banu Beyer (ZKM | Museum Communication), Markus Klute (Head, Institute of Experimental Particle Physics, KIT), Renan Laru-an (Artistic Director, S A V V Y Contemporary), Micha Pallesche (Director, Ernst Reuter Community School) and Birte Werner (Director, Center for Cultural Participation)

    and Walk-in Workshops*
    Cem A. & Lilli Roser, Cola Taxi Okay, Das Bündnis für kulturelle Bildung, DiDAE (Digital Didactics in Art Education), Erdmännchen&Bär, Kitchen_Ferm_Lab, Christina Zartmann & Sabine Jäger
    Atrium 8, 1st floor

    12:30 pm – 1:15 pm CET
    music balcony

    1:15 pm – 1:45 pm CET
    Talk: Doing Health Artistically
    with Clive Parkinson (Arts, Health and Social Change)
    Atrium 8, 1st floor

    2 pm – 3 pm CET
    Radio discussions: What if museums were responsible for society’s wellbeing?
    Open Mics with Kathrin Gerling and Anna-Lena Meiners (Head and Scientific Associate, Research Group Human-Computer Interaction and Accessibility, KIT), Anna Jehle and Juliane Schickedanz (Directors, Kunsthalle Osnabrück), Nicole Kreckel, art researcher and art educator, Clive Parkinson (Arts, Health and Social Change)

    and Walk-in Workshops*
    Cem A. & Lilli Roser, Cola Taxi Okay, Das Bündnis für kulturelle Bildung, DiDAE (Digital Didactics in Art Education), Erdmännchen&Bär, Kitchen_Ferm_Lab, Christina Zartmann & Sabine Jäger
    Atrium 8, 1st floor

    3:15 pm – 4:15 pm CET
    Collective Reflection
    with Pascal Grupe, theatre educator
    Atrium 8, 1st floor

    4:30 pm – 5:30 pm CET
    Collective radio discussion: What if museums inspired us to do things artistically?
    with Alistair Hudson and all participants
    Atrium 8, 1st floor

    5:30 pm CET
    Artrium 8, music balcony



    Together, we create beautiful pompoms out of yarn in a colorful and cozy seating area. These pompoms will then be lovingly connected to form a carpet that will adorn the space of COLA TAXI OKAY, making the workshop participants an integral part of the intercultural association. In this inspiring environment, we have plenty of space for exchange.

    LET'S SEND LOVE provides the opportunity to extend the reach of the Non-Conference beyond the borders of Karlsruhe. Postcards, stamps, and a mailbox will be available in our thoughtfully designed corner, where we invite participants to capture their experiences and spread joy.

    Museum Educators are MehrWert*!
    Das Bündnis für kulturelle Bildung
    Marcel D'Apuzzo, Simon PfeffelBirgit Reich and Annie We 

    What would be appropriate fees for museum educators? What could a fair and rewarding collaboration between freelancers and museums look like? How to negotiate and can I do that at all? Come along to the open discussions, contribute your questions, experiences, and needs, take away important know-how to set your fees and a lot of self-confidence for negotiations! Freelance mediators as well as museum employees and patrons are invited.

    Any Idea? How to Work with Digital Tools in Art and Design
    DiDAE – Digital Didactics in Art Education
    Helena Schmidt and Franziska Thurner 

    The workshop is based on the ERASMUS+ project »Digital Didactics in Are Education« (, in which tools for artistic and creative work in the digital space were collected and analyzed. Based on the web platform, we are presenting a game that helps to convey and get to know the digital toolbox in analog space. The platform represents around 100 free tools of varying complexity from the categories of drawing, animation, design, sound and beyond. In the workshop, we will get to know and experiment with these tools and reflect together on possible application scenarios for the digital tools.

    What happens when the museum opens up to visitors? - Opportunities for new approaches through cultural participation and participatory developments in the age of digitalization
    Felix Bastam and Sebastian Jähnke

    Creating cultural participation is an important task for museums. Digitalization opens new ways to create diverse access. Through a close exchange with different target groups, museums can recognize their needs, develop empathy, and generate ideas. During the workshop, we will develop ideas together on how we can make our offers more inclusive and accessible. Over the course of the day, we will collect ideas in different groups, discuss questions and find many answers together.

    Consultation with KIMCHI, KOJI AND KOMBUCHA 
    Max Kosorić and Fanny Kranz

    Fermentation is the oldest form of food preservation. With the help of various microorganisms, refinement processes are created that release new and delicious flavours. After many intensive workshops on the topic of wild fermentation, the Kitchen_Ferm_Lab has moved from the kitchen to the garden and now to the exhibition rooms of the Non_Conference. Since 2020, the two art educators and designers Fanny Kranz and Max Kosoric have been fermenting together with many different.

    Write your picture. AI experiments with »text-to-image« generators
    Christina Zartmann and Sabine Jäger

    Everyone is talking about artificially generated images, but have you ever used an image generator? After a brief introduction, we invite you to experiment with AI software yourself at our hands-on stations and discuss the new developments together.

    AI-generated images are images that are created by computers using artificial intelligence. This technology enables machines to generate realistic images by learning patterns and structures from large amounts of data and then using them to create new images. The AI is controlled via so-called »prompts«, which are written instructions or questions that are addressed to AI models in order to obtain specific outputs.


Janine Burger
Alexandra Hermann
Alistair Hudson
Barbara Kiolbassa
Fanny Kranz

Project team

Art Mediation: Lisa Bartling, Banu Beyer, Regine Frisch, Cora Lugger, Denise Neumann, Lilli Roser, Majuri Shanmugamani, Ulrich Steinberg
Booking: Silke Sutter
Communication: Marlen Ernst, Paul Herz, Svenja Liebig, Anne Thomé, Anouk Widmann
Event Department: Viola Gaiser (management), Wolfgang Knapp, Lucy Stockinger
Event Planning: Henning Möller, Marcus Thiel, Manuel Weber (management)
Exhibition Technical Service: Martin Mangold (Head), Leonie Rök and Team
Scenography: Matthias Gommel
Video Studio: Moritz Büchner, Max Clausen, Sabine Jäger, Andy Koch, Lisa Michel, Osama Tashfee Mughal, Dan Samuel Pariyarathu, Christina Zartmann (Head)

Employees across all departments of ZKM | Karlsruhe

Organizing Organization / Institution

ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

