Particles Ensemble
Colorful dots depict silhouettes of people against a black background.
Thu, August 15, 2024 – Sun, September 15, 2024

The interactive media art installation »Particles Ensemble« by Overlapping Studio innovatively diffuses the lines between digital art and physical spaces.

With the help of infrared sensors, the visitors’ movements are projected as abstract visuals onto the castle’s façade. The intensity of the projection corresponds with the audience’s activity, creating a fusion between digital and analogous spaces.

»Particles Ensemble« was planned by the Overlapping Studio from Berlin, which is specialized in media szenography and large-scale projections. The studio’s expertise lies in the planning of location-specific installations for public and private spaces. Overlapping has caused great sensation within the creative environment. »Particles Ensemble« is the first work awarded with the dm-award connecting worlds.

The UNESCO Creative City of Media Arts Karlsruhe publicly exhibits media art again this year, for which the entry is free. Under the title »Media art is here«, public spaces, façades, and shop windows will transform into a public stage, presenting installations, videos, and performances as well as interdisciplinary projects on their surfaces. The installation takes place from the 15th August until the 15th September 2024, in parallel to the SCHLOSSLICHSPIELE.



Supported by the UNESCO City of Media Arts Karlsruhe

Collaboration partner
