BS DC Import ID
BS DC Import Time
Design - Head - Color

Presentation of ZKM-(Co)Productions

Wed, July 02, 2008

© ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe
Media Theater


ed. by Dennis Del Favero, Ursula Frohne, Peter Weibel, ZIP digital arts edition, 2008, DVD-Video  and book, Hatje Cantz, 2008. 
The DVD (Engl./Germ. with Engl. subtitles) contains works by Dennis Del Favero, Korpys/Löffler, Susan Norrie as well as by Peter Weibel. The accompanying book contains essays by Inke Arns, Jill Bennett, Ursula Frohne, Boris Groys, Adrian Parr, Paul Patton, Sabine Sielke and Terry Smith.

Jürgen Claus: The Age of the Audio-Visual 

ed. by Peter Weibel, Edition ZKM, 2008, Hatje Cantz, 2008, DVD (160 min. film and sound documents).
For the first time in decades, pioneering experimental film documents of the 1960s and discussions with contemporary witnesses in the areas of design, art, music and architecture are once again made available here. With Herbert Bayer, Herbert W. Franke, K. O. Götz, Ulrich Herzog, Adolf Luther, Frei Otto and Iannis Xenakis.

Boris Groys: Thinking in Loop: Three Videos on the Iconoclastic, Ritual and the Immortal 

zkm digital arts edition, Hatje Cantz, 2008, DVD-Rom and accompanying book, (Germ./Engl., DVD-Rom Germ./Engl. with subtitles, 57 min.).
In the connections made between theoretical texts and film material, these video essays by Boris Groys hold up to view the relation between image and word as directed through and by the media.

Organizing Organization / Institution



ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

