BS DC Import ID
BS DC Import Time

Friedemann Schindler

Year of birth, place


Role at the ZKM

  • Artist of the Collection


Friedemann Schindler has as pedagogue investigated intensively the use of computers by children. Experiments in the employment of computers as a tool for learning and play medium led to the conception of a critical database on the subject of video games. 

1976-80 Studied at the College of Education, Göttingen (First State Examination)
1980-81 Probationary teacher in the Education Seminar Osterholz-Scharmbeck (second state examination)
1989-91 Further education in Creative Group Work with Computers at the Remscheid Academy for Fine Arts Education and Media Training
1990-92 Studied Social Pedagogy at the University of Bremen (diploma)
1993 Further education. Media Consultant with focus on interactive information systems

Other activities
1982-81 Group child care worker, streetworker, social pedagogue in youth, children's and leisure homes - creative group work with computers
1991-92 Investigation: Computergames between fascination and poison cabinet, Ministerial Office for Health, Youth and Social Affairs, Bremen
since 1993 Honorary activity for the Federal Center for Political Education, development of »Search & Play - database for computer games«
since 1994 Freelance employee for World of Games at the ZKM⎢Media Museum, Karlsruhe

Presentations (selection)
1994 »Kulturmarkt Karlsruhe: Virtueller Marktplatz - Medienmuseum en miniature«, Karlsruhe 
1995 »MultiMediale 4«, Medienkunstfestival, ZKM⎢Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe

Literature (selection)
Schindler, Friedemann: "Super Mario und Super Marion - Geschlechterrollen in Computer- und Videospielen", »medien praktisch«, No. 3, Frankfurt/Main
1996; Schindler, Friedemann: "Cyberspace selbst gestalten - Virtual Worlds für Kinder", »medien praktisch«, No. 3, Frankfurt/Main 1997; Schindler, Friedemann: "Holzhammermethode per Computerspiel - pädagogische Werbespiele", »Deutsche Lehrerzeitung«, No. 17/18, Berlin 1997; Schindler, Friedemann; Wiemken, Jens: "DOOM is invading my dreams", and Schindler, Friedemann: "Fairständnis, Fairplay, Courage - exemplarische Erörterung anti-rassistischer Computerspiele", Fritz J.; Fehr W. (ed.): »Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung: Handbuch Medien-Computerspiele«, Bonn 1997



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