Gerhard Mayrhofer

Gerhard Mayrhofer © Andreas Merz

Year of birth, place



Following his studies in electronics and marketing, Gerhard started his carreer in the telecommunications test equipment industry. He spent about 5 years in the US as product manager. After  returning to Germany, he held various top level management positions at the telecommunications operators O2 and VODAFONE.

2013: founding of SYNTH-WERK “the spirit of Trumansburg”

SYNTH-WERK’s aim has always been to reconstruct MOOG MODULAR synthesizers as close to the original as possible. One of the first reconstructions was the legendary 901 oscillator bank from the 60’s. This fantastic sounding oscillator had more or less disappeared because of the difficulties in usage regarding its tracking. SYNTH-WERK has found a way to overcome this characteristic without changing the schematic. Since then, SYNTH-WERK has managed to cover the whole range of R.A. MOOG instruments. In 2023 the cooperation with ZKM was established to reconstruct BODE instruments out of the archive. The first achievement of this union has been the reconstruction of the 8101 BODE Barberpole Phaser. Harald Bodes range of Frequency shifters and the Bode Vocoder will be next…


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

