
Reconstructing Harald Bode

Cooperation project of SYNTH-WERK, University of Music and ZKM

© Harald Bode, ZKM | Karlsruhe, Harald Bode Estate

The ZKM | Karlsruhe is in possession of the complete estate of Harald Bode (1909-1987), one of the most important engineers for electronic music, sound and audio devices of the 20th century.

Together with the company SYNTH-WERK, various inventions by Harald Bode are to be reconstructed. The comprehensive estate, the existing construction plans, design drawings, concepts, correspondence and other documents form the basis of the reconstructions. SYNTH-WERK, as technical partner of the ZKM for the Harald Bode Archive, will bring the work of the ingenious physicist and musician Harald Bode back to life. The reconstructions of Harald Bode's now mostly inaccessible or unpublished devices will become part of the ZKM archive and the SYNTH-WERK product portfolio. The SYNTH-WERK analog synthesizers and modules are built by hand according to original schematics from the first "Moog Factory" in Trumansburg, New York. The manufacturing methods are identical to the manufacturing methods used more than 50 years ago. All boards are hand assembled and hand wired. NOS parts and current components are used and selected according to strict criteria.

As a scientific partner, the Institute for Music Informatics and Musicology (IMWI) at the Karlsruhe University of Music supports the project and the implementation of the reconstruction. The aim of the project is to provide access to the fascinating and revolutionary ideas and visions of an instrument maker who thought far ahead of his time for researchers, musicians, producers and all interested persons.

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Harald Bode Estate

More information on Harald Bode and his estate at ZKM | Archives

© Harald Bode, ZKM | Karlsruhe, Harald Bode Estate



ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

