
ISACS17: Ricardo Dal Farra

About The History Of Sound Art, Music And Technology In Latin America.



Under the chairmanship of Morten Søndergaard and Peter Weibel the conference »ISACS17: Resonant Worlds – Curating Sound, Art & Science« takes place at the ZKM from 28–30 September, 2017. The conference addresses and debates the resonant worlds of sound, art, science and curation.

ISACS17 (re)investigates the  intersections of sound, art and science from the perspective of artistic / creative curation. The participants are asked to showcase, and reflect on, their own practices from the perspective of how and why choices are made in order to make things »work« – in the sense that it resonates in/with other people, contexts, culture, society, history, and »the world«. These are perhaps issues of (and effects from) embodied experiences, of language games, of existence.


Who tells history? Who knows about it or who has the opportunity to do it? We can find multiple versions of the history of music created with electronic technologies, most of those with subtle differences, but it has been unusual to find references pointing to countries out of a small group from Europe and North America. Can we change the way history is being told? Do we have something different to tell? Why should we invest time and effort on it? The Latin American Electroacoustic Music Collection, is an example of the impact that the archival of electronic artworks and its public access can play in having another perspective about history.

Dr. Ricardo Dal Farra (ricardo.dalfarra@concordia.ca) is a composer, media artist, curator, and historian. He is professor at Concordia University, Canada, and director of the CEIArtE-UNTREF Electronic Arts Research Centre, Argentina. His music has been presented in about 40 countries. He is the founder of the Balance-Unbalance and Understanding Visual Music international conference series. Dal Farra has been coordinator of the Documentation and Conservation of the Media Arts Heritage (DOCAM) international research alliance, and researcher and consultant for UNESCO in France, De Montfort University in the UK, Amauta in Peru, and the National Ministry of Education in Argentina.


Video Documentary:

ZKM | Videostudio

Camera: Benedict Meyer, Martina Rotzal
Editing: Frenz Jordt




ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200
