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#digiTALK – Sustainable Acting in the Digital World

The digital regulars' table of Karlsruhe

Thu, October 22, 2020 7:00 pm CEST

© ecoLogicStudio
Lecture Hall

Sustainable agency in the digital world. Is it a contradiction? What have binary codes to do with CO2 emissions? What does a Google search query have to do with trees? And how can we make our media consumption sustainable?

In the context of the Karlsruhe #digiTALK we would like to discuss such questions in the hybrid of analog and digtal, on-site and via live stream, together with Rainer Rehak, critical computer scientist and affiliated with the Weizenbaum Institute for the networked society, as well as the OK Lab and the FabLab Karlsruhe.

#digiTALK is the digital regulars' table of Karlsruhe. As a regulars' table, the so called round table is open, discourse-oriented and an invitation to discuss conditions, consequences and thought experiments around the topic of digitalization of our living environment. Discussions are often most interesting when contradictions, controversies, conflicting views and very different starting points meet on a common topic – as it is applied here.

The digital has arrived in our present as a new social sphere. What this means for society and the individual on a small and large scale, and what consequences have already arisen or are looming on the horizon, needs to be looked at.

The mergence of digital and analog, both in the range of the thematic field and in the concrete location of the event at the ZKM | Medialounge as well as online via zoom, live stream and Telegram chat, creates a third place where the space of open, comprehensive and networked discussion is possible.

Program (Time Zone: CEST)

7 pmOpening and reception | Uwe Gradwohl (SWR)
7:15 pm   Input | Rainer Rehak (Bits & Bäume e.V.), live from Berlin
7:45 pmConversation | OK Lab Karlsruhe, FabLab Karlsruhe e.V., Barbara Kiolbassa, live from ZKM
8:15 pmDiscussion and Q&A
Import ID
Admin Title
D7 Paragraph: r17_teaser_list / GPC_ID: 111779

Organizing Organization / Institution

ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

