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ARD Children's Radio Play Day

ARD Radio Play Days 2018

Sun, November 11, 2018

On Children's Radio Play Day, children of school age in particular can open their ears and eyes, join in and have fun!

This year, children can look forward to two highlights. On the big stage in the HfG, actors and musicians will provide fun, exuberance and certainly thunderous applause with the performance of the live music radio play »Konrad oder Das Kind aus der Konservenbüchse« based on the children's book by Christine Nöstlinger. With »Des Kaisers neue Kleider« the SWR vocal ensemble and Lars Reichow create a great atmosphere in the media theater. Everyone sings along when it says: »Green, green, green are all my clothes«. 

Throughout the day, the latest and best children's radio plays from ARD and Deutschlandradio as well as the winning piece of the German Children's Radio Play Prize 2018 can also be heard. And another winning piece can be celebrated: The radio play makers are always very happy about the children's radio play prize of the city of Karlsruhe, because a children's jury decides on it. On stage in the studio of the HfG, the children courageously take part in the interview. 

But that's not all! Numerous exciting participatory program points await young and old!

And then the ZKM is also looking for real superheroes, because they will be the focus of the next ARD children's radio night (30 November). To get you in the mood for the Germany-wide show »Superheldenhaft! – The ARD children's radio night saves the world«. 

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 10 am–5 pm

ARD HörSpiel-Box 
from 7 years 




10 am–5 pm   

Klangreise rund um die Erde 

hr2-Lauschinsel, from 4 years 

Kleiner Seminarraum



10:30 am–5:30 pm

Mode für kleine KaiserInnen

Make costumes out of paper, from 6 years

Music Balcony






10 am 

Die feuerrote Friederike 
Radio play, from 7 years

Lecture Hall






10 am 

Thabo – Detektiv und Gentleman: Der Nashorn-Fall
Radio play, from 8 years 

HfG Studio





10 am

Markus Reyhani

Music for young and old, from 2 years






10:30 am

Auf Geräuschejagd

Workshop, Registration on site, from 12 years






11 am–2 pm

Code Chain trifft My City Sounds 

Workshop registration in advance until November 9: | Tel: 0721 8100-1330 

from 12 years | costs: 7 Euro






11 am 

Konrad oder Das Kind aus der Konservenbüchse 

Live music radio play, public dress rehearsal, from 7 years

HfG Atrium 4





11:15 am

Startschuss Abenteuer-Rallye 
from 7 years 






11:15 am

Der Dschinn aus dem Ring
Radio Play, from 8 years 

Lecture Hall





11:30 am

Verbrechern auf der Spur

SWR2 Spielraumtour, from 6 years






12 pm

Milas Welt
Radio Play, from 7 years






12:20 pm 

Die Weihnachtsgans Auguste
Radio Play, from 5 years 

Lecture Hall





12:30 pm

Des Kaisers neue Kleider

Live music fairy tale, from 7 years

Media Theater







12:30 pm

Auf Geräuschejagd

Workshop, Registration on site, from 12 years






12:45 pm

Markus Reyhani 

Music for young and old, from 2 years






1:05 pm

Ab nach Paris
Radio Play, from 7 years 

HfG Studio





1:45 pm

Die Nanny-App

Gewinnerstück Deutscher

Kinderhörspielpreis 2017, Radio Play, from 8 years 

Lecture Hall 





 2 pm

Konrad oder Das Kind 

aus der Konservenbüchse 

Live music radio play (live on the radio, live stream, broadcast in the cube), from 7 years 

HfG Atrium 4





2:50 pm

Für eine Pfote voll Erdnüsse – 

oder: wie die Ratten

den Wilden Westen eroberten
Radio Play, from 7 years 

Lecture Hall 





3 pm 

Verbrechern auf der Spur

SWR2 Spielraumtour, from 6 years 






3 pm

Auf Geräuschejagd

Workshop, Registration on site, from 12 years 






3:10 pm

Pizzicato Wundergeige
Radio Play, from 7 years

HfG Studio





3:15 pm

Preisübergabe Abenteuer-Rallye






4 pm

Peter Pan – Teil 1 und 2
Radio Play, from 8 years on

Lecture Hall





4 pm 

Präsentation der Kinderhörspielpreise

With the winners and the children's jury

HfG Studio 





4:15 pm

Des Kaisers neue Kleider

Live music fairy tale, from 7 years

Media Theater





4:15 pm

Markus Reyhani

Music for young and old, 2 years and older






4:30 pm


Deutscher Kinderhörspielpreis 2018 

HfG Studio





5 pm 

Auf Geräuschejagd

Workshop, registration on site, from 12 years









Accompanying program
Accompanying Program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

