Learning Takes Place – Round Table
Thu, November 29, 2018 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm CET
- Location
- OpenHUB, Atrium 8+9
Places of learning today and in the future: How can lifelong learning succeed in our digital world?
What space do we need for learning? And what role will public institutions such as (higher) schools, libraries or museums play in the future?
At a round table we invite you to a discussion with experts!
- Prof. Dr. Riklef Rambow (EKUT KIT Karlsruhe)
- Dr. Philip Roth (RWTH Aachen)
- Ruth Scheel (University of Art and Design in Basel)
- Moderation: Dr. Alexa Maria Kunz (House of Competence, KIT)
Organizing Organization / Institution
ZKM | Center for Art and Media
Accompanying program
Accompanying Program
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