Effective altruism: a research agenda

Lecture by William MacAskill

Lecture by William MacAskill
Lecture by William MacAskill

William MacAskill is Associate Professor at Oxford University, shooting star of Anglo-Saxon philosophy and especially known for his work on Effective Altruism. On July 26, 2018, he gave insight in how we can do better in making the world a better place. 

Effective altruism is about helping people make the world a better place. Many of us are considering which organizations we can usefully support for this purpose, what are good investment opportunities, what consumer goods we should buy with a sober conscience, and how we should eat responsibly. MacAskill encourages us to think differently, put aside prejudices and use evidence and careful reasoning rather than impulsive action. When we do this - when we consider both head and heart in all our altruistic endeavors - we find that each of us has the strength to do an amazing amount of good.

Video documentary:

ZKM | Videostudio

Camera: Christina Zartmann, Moritz Büchner
Editing: Bastian Buchgraber