Presentation of the European Science Writers Award to Gero von Randow
Fri, June 13, 2003 4:30 pm CEST
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- Media Theater
The Euroscience Foundation for the Promotion of European Science and Culture presented its European Science Writers Award for the second time. The prize honors Gero von Randow, head of the science desk at the »Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung«. The aim of the Hanover-based Foundation is to financially support the promotion of international European sciences and culture. With this prize, it pays tribute to von Randows special achievements as an intermediary between science and the public.
Gero von Randow
born in Hamburg in 1953, studied law then worked as a freelance journalist in the field of science; as of 1992, he worked for the weekly newspaper »Die Zeit« until in 2000, he switched over to the »Frankfurt Allgemeine Zeitung«. He has authored a number of books on popular science, including books on mathematics and robotics. As of autumn 2000, he has been head of the science desk at »Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung«.
Philip Campbell, editor-in-chief for the journal Nature, who received the award in 2000, will give the laudatory speech, which will be followed by a panel discussion. Participants include Phillip Campbell, Claude Kordon [Institut de la Santé et recherche medicale [INSERM], Paris], and Wilhelm Krull [Chairman of the Euroscience Foundation, Hanover.]
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