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Exhibition »respektive Peter Weibel«

@ ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Photo: Joseph Tandl and Felix Grünschloß

On the occasion of Peter Weibel's 75th birthday, the exhibition for the first time provides an overview of the entire oeuvre of the internationally renowned media and conceptual artist.

Based on his twenty years as artistic-scientific director of the ZKM, the exhibition explores topics such as the mechanisms of perception and thought, the intrinsic world of the apparatus, the crisis of representation and the operating system of art, and the relationship between art, politics, and economics.

The exhibition, collectively curated by the ZKM, offers for the first time an overview of the entire oeuvre of a nomad between art and science who has consistently pursued his problems in various materials, forms and techniques to this day. The exhibition shows the unfolding of his artistic creativity from critique of perception to critique of language and media to critique of reality. At the same time, Peter Weibel developed new utopian visions of a free society and individual freedom based on his own technological inventions.

The exhibition will be accompanied by a scientific symposium on Saturday, 28.09.2019. 

Press Release


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

