BS DC Import ID
BS DC Import Time

George Legrady

Year of birth, place


Role at the ZKM

  • Guest Artist
  • Artist of the Collection

Institute / Department

  • Institute for Visual Media


George Legrady, MFA San Francisco Art Institute (1976). His early artistic work focused on the conceptual and semiotic analysis of the photographic image (1972-1986). First works in computer technology begun in 1986. His digital interactive installations exhibited internationally since the early 1990s in multiple venues from fine arts museums and galleries to alternative spaces, or engineering conferences, and public commissions.
Legrady's contribution to the digital media field has been in intersecting cultural content with data processing for socio-cultural narrative installations. His current work is in data visualization, robotic computational integrated photography, and digital visual ethnography.
Held professor positions at University of Western Ontario (1977-1981), California Institute of the Arts (1982-1984), University of Southern California (1984-1988), San Francisco State University (1989-1997), Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Budapest (1994), Merz Akademie Stuttgart (1995-2000), UCLA (1998). Awards from Creative Capital Foundation; the Daniel Langlois Foundation for the Arts, Science and Technology; Canada Council for the Arts; National Endowment for the Arts, and the National Science Foundation.
Director of the Experimental Visualization Lab and Chair of the arts-engineering »Media Arts and Technology« PhD program at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
[Last update: 2013]


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76135 Karlsruhe

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