BS DC Import ID
BS DC Import Time

Paul Sermon

Year of birth, place

United Kingdom

Role at the ZKM

  • Guest Artist
  • Artist of the Collection

Institute / Department

  • Institute for Visual Media


Since his student days Paul Sermon has been working on the development of interactive installations. At the same time he constantly attempts to place the communicative aspect in the foreground. The confrontation of real space and reconstruction and the staging of an enlivening of both spaces through electronic transmission are the basic constants of his work. He creates concentrated and amusing Situations for trying out telematic action capacity with changing dramaturgy and metaphors. 

1984-85 Studied Art and Design at the Bedford College of Higher Education, Bedford
1985-88 Studied Fine Arts with Roy Ascott at the Gwent College of Higher Education, Wales (Bachelor of Arts with Honor)
1989-91 Studied Fine Arts at the Univerity of Readig, Berkshire (Master of Fine Arts)

1989-92 Lecturer in Telematics at the School of Fine Art, Gwent College of Higher Education, Wales
1991-92 Lecturer in Media Art, Department of Fine Art, University of Reading, Berkshire
since 1993 Lecturer for Computer Art at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst (HGB), Leipzig

Internet projects (selection)
1997 »Heaven 194-94.211.200«, in cooperation with Joachim Blank, Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Leipzig; »Telematic Dreaming Version Internet«, Ars
Electronica Center, Linz

Awards/Scholarships (selection)
1991 Goldene Nica in the Interactive Art category from the Prix Ars Electronica, Linz, for »Think about the people now«
1993 Artist in residence at the ZKM⎢Institute for Visual Media, Karlsruhe; Recognition of the Prix Ars Electronica, Linz, for »Telematic Dreaming«
​1994 Sparky Award from the Interactive Media Festival, Los Angeles, for »Telematic Dreaming«

​Solo exhibitions (selection)
1994 »Telematic Vision«, Netherlands Design Institute, Amsterdam
1995 »Telematic Vision & Telematic Dreaming«, InterCommunication Center Gallery, Tokyo/Spiral Hall Gallery, Tokyo

Group exhibitions (selection)
1991 »Texts Bombs and Videotape«, The Watershed Media Center, Bristol; Newport School of Fine Art, Wales; Hochschule für angewandte Kunst, Vienna; Digital Art Exchange, Pittsburgh; »Out of Control - Prix Ars Electronica '91«, Linz
1992 »Koti Exhibition«, Kajaani Art Gallery, Kajaani/Helsinki Telegalleria, Helsinki
1993 »Manifestation of The Unstable«, Media Festival, 's Hertogenbosch; »The Muu Media Festival '93«, Helsinki; Telegalleria, Helsinki/OTSO Gallery, Helsinki
1994 »The Interactive Media Festival«, Los Angeles; »International Symposium of Electronic Art (ISEA94)«, The Helsinki Museum of Contemporary Art/Marina Hotel, Helsinki
1996 »3e Biennale d'Art Contemporain de Lyon«, Lyon; »Wunschmaschine Welterfindung«, Kunsthalle Wien; »Telematic Dreaming«, Zone Gallery, Newcastle/Camerawork Gallery, London

Literature (selection)
NTT InterCommunication Center (ICC) Books (ed.): »The Museum Inside The Network«, Tokyo 1996; Fuchs, M.: "ParaReal", Felderer, Brigitte (ed.): »Wunschmaschine
Welterfindung - Eine Geschichte der Technikvisionen seit dem 18. Jahrhundert«, Vienna, New York 1996; Reunion des Musées Nationaux (ed.): »3e Biennale d'Art Contemporain de Lyon«, Paris 1995; Sermon, Paul: "Think about the people now", Leopoldseder, H. (ed.): »Der Prix Ars Electronica 91«, Linz 1991; Deutsche Telekom AG (ed.): »CeBIT '95«, Berlin 1995



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