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ISACS17 – Resonant Worlds: Sound, Art & Science

Thu, September 28 – Sat, September 30, 2017

© Morten Søndergaard, 2017

Under the chairmanship of Morten Søndergaard and Peter Weibel the conference »ISACS17: Resonant Worlds – Curating Sound, Art & Science« takes place at the ZKM from 28–30 September, 2017. The conference addresses and debates the resonant worlds of sound, art, science and curation.

ISACS17 (re)investigates the  intersections of sound, art and science from the perspective of artistic / creative curation. The participants are asked to showcase, and reflect on, their own practices from the perspective of how and why choices are made in order to make things »work« – in the sense that it resonates in/with other people, contexts, culture, society, history, and »the world«. These are perhaps issues of (and effects from) embodied experiences, of language games, of existence.

Sound may reveal the hidden ontologies of things »out there« in the ‘resonant world’, which both art and science are aiming to describe and understand. It is a field which has seen much activity within post-humanism, post-phenomenology and post-positivism. However, these discourses seem far removed from the production and practice of art, where hard choices are made and decisions taken that frame how it embody experience; as well as how it may resonate with other things that »exist« in the world.

This conference seeks to enter into the grey zone(s) of where the production of that »resonance» takes place, through dialogues with people working there; asking some crucial questions about when and in what way the intersections of sound, art and science »works out« – is it based on subjective judgment calls, language games, contextual framings? Do works that ‘work well’ have a resonating quality (embodied, existential, cultural etc?) that we all share, or is the experience of resonance a matter of individual tastes etc?

We have invited keynotes and accepted papers based on double blind review-process, which all question or experiment with the academic format, such as curator-based research, performative academics, audio papers, and a variety of practice-based formats.


Thursday 28 September


Arrival & registration. Vortragssaal. 


Welcome & Introduction by Morten Søndergaard, General Chair. KUBUS 


Keynote: Juliana Hodkinson (UK/DK)

KUBUS. Chair: Rasmus Holmboe 


History Track 1.

Vortragssaal Chair: Morten Søndergaard


Paper 12. Ricardo Dal Farra: »About The History Of Sound Art, Music And Technology In Latin America«.


Paper 32. Lluís Alexandre Casanovas Blanco: »The Blind, the Bats and the Radar: Acoustic Feedback in Postwar Sensory Models«.


Paper 43. Budhaditya Chattopadhyay: »Expanded Object: Rereading the History of Sound Art«


Keynote: Palle Dahlstedt (S)

KUBUS. Chair: Ludger Brummer 


Dinner (on your own expense) 

From ca 19.30

KUBUS: == Art track. Chairs: IC, RH and MS

 Pia Palme: »Vertical Ear: Charting the White Space of Listening«

Jianghao Hu: »Performance with Musicalized Water«


Installations (All three days). KUBUS


Paper 41. Budhaditya Chattopadhyay: »Talking Frame«


Luz Maria Sanchez: »title tba«


Friday 29 September


Keynote: Luz Maria Sanchez (MEX)

Vortragssaal. Chair: Morten Søndergaard 


The Science Track 2.

Vortragssaal. Chair: Budhaditya Chattopadhyay 


Paper 50. Louise K Wilson, John Bowers, Alan Smith and Peter Mathews: »Chthonic: 72 Hours below Earth Day«. 


Paper 19. Stina Marie Hasse: »The sonic resonances of algorithms as cultural productions and aesthetic expressions«. 


Lunch (on you own expense) 


The Curation Track 3.

Vortragssaal Chair: Morten Søndergaard


Paper 4. John Kannenberg: »Curating Sounds as Objects of Culture and Human Agency: A Case Study of The Museum of Portable Sound«


Paper 22. Katharina Schmidt: »Curating the Soundscape on Radio«


Paper 27. Tincuta Heinzel, Ioana Macrea-Toma, Irina
Bucan, Lasse Scherffig, Istvan Laszlo and Jon Dean: »Repertories of (in)discreetness - Curating Radio Free Europe’s archives« 


Keynote: Carl Michael von Hausswolff (S)

KUBUS. Chair: Juliana Hodkinson 


Dinner (on your own expense) 

From 19.30

KUBUS: == Art track. Chairs: IC, RH and MS


Paper 21. Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen and Malte Steiner: »TMS: movement(al) distortion(s)«


Paper 26. Astrid Schwarz, Angélica Castelló and Tobias Leibetseder: Steel Girls (Angélica Castelló, Tobias Leibetseder & Astrid Schwarz) »Momentum of the metal realm (2017) / Performance for Metal Objects, Electronics, Tapes and Analog Synthesizer«


Paper 53. Magno Caliman: Oxx & Surprise 


Saturday 30 September 


Special Guest Speaker: Spencer Topel (US)

KUBUS. Chair: Palle Dahlstedt 


Post-human Track 4

Vortragssaal. Chair: Stina Maria Hasse


Paper 9. Scott Mc Laughlin: »Material Indeterminacy and de- centered Practice«.


Paper 20. Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen: »Site – Body – Resonance«.


Paper 51. Ben Freeth: »Resonant Hermeneutics«. 


Lunch (on your own expense)


The Uncuration Track 5
Vortragssaal. Chair: Rasmus Holmboe


Paper 13. Lea Kannar-Lichtenberger: »Deception: convergence of spaces brings context to time«.


Paper 48. Aaron James: »Live Curation: A Methodology Towards A New Platform for the Reception of Art« 


Keynote: Peter Weibel.

Vortragssaal. Chair: Morten Søndergaard 


Final discussions and resonances 


Dinner (on your own expense)

Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

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