Faces of Survival
»Raut Pusaran,Raut Hayat«
Fri, March 24, 2006 6 pm CET, Opening

Prof. Günther Uhlig (Institute of Local, Regional, and Land Planning, University of Karlsruhe) and Peter Gotsch (consultant to the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit, GTZ) will offer a current overview on the rebuilding in Banda Ache. »Gesichter des Überlebens« counters the flood of images from the Tsunami catastrophe on 26 December 2004 with personal stories. The portraits of survivors are contemplative and peaceful, respectful for the people, but always remaining hopeful. »Raut Pusaran, Raut Hayat« is the exhibition’s Indonesian title. Here »Hayat« means not only »spirit«, but also »hope.« The exhibition will be organized by the Forum Goethe-Institut and Goethe-Institut Jakarta

Organization / Institution