BS DC Import ID
BS DC Import Time
Design - Head - Color

Cross-border (opening)

Contemporary Female Artists from the Arabian Mediterranean Region

Fri, April 26, 2013 7:00 pm CEST

© photo: Faten Rouissi

On the evening of April 26 the exhibition “Cross-border” opens at the ZKM | Museum of Contemporary Art. Works by contemporary artists from the Arabian Mediterranean region, all of which are globally connected, will be exhibited. The thematic focus lies in the critical examination of the various aspects connected with the theme “borders”: the approach to limits and their overcoming. The exhibition offers a differentiated perspective on the regions by way of the artist’s works, and prompts viewers to review their prejudices and misinterpretations.

One of the special highlights of the opening evening will be a performance by artist Faten Rouissi, in which a wrecked car is refashioned as a symbol of freedom. Furthermore, on Sat, April 27, 2013, a panel discussion will be held on the theme of “crossing borders”.


Fri, April 26, 2013
7 p.m.
Opening of the exhibition, ZKM/HfG, atrium 3

7.30 p.m.
Art dans la rue – Art dans le quartier [Street Art – Art in the Neighborhood]
Performance of the artist Faten Rouissi, ZKM/HfG, atrium 3
Faten Rouissi (*1967) is a fine artist from Tunisia and known, above all, for her interventions in public spaces, in the form of performances and installations. In 2012, she founded the association “24 heures pour l'art contemporain”, and is initiator of the international street art project “De Colline en Colline” in Tunis, Enfidha and Tataouine in March 2013. Her actions had a particularly powerful resonance during the Tunisian revolution. Through participative strategies, the artist questioned and further reflected on the hegemonic structures. The performance at the ZKM is a continuation of “Street Art – Art in the Neighborhood”, a performance which took place in Tunisia, in 2011. At that time Faten Rouissi sent out an appeal, via Facebook, to fine artists, students and activists as well as to the inhabitants of the city, to turn the burnt-out car wrecks of the revolts into symbols of freedom.

Sat, April 27, 2013
3–4.30 p.m.
Border crossings
Artists participating in the exhibition discuss borders and the issues surrounding the transgression of borders in the context of their work. The cultural, social and political transformations in the countries of the Arabellion also impact upon the art scene. The discussion pivots on such repercussions. Similarly, new possibilities, which emerge for the artists through increased networking, and their influence on the production of art in this region, are also discussed. The discussion will be held in the English. 
Moderator: Elisabeth Klotz 
Participants: Lara Baladi, Charlotte Bank, Zoulikha Bouabdellah, Diana El Jeiroudi, Rana ElNemr, Diala Khasawnih, Randa Mirza and Faten Rouissi 
Location: ZKM_Lecture Hall

Media Partner: Nafas art magazine 
Cooperation Partners: 
Kulturfestival Frauenperspektiven [Cultural Festival "Women’s Perspectives"], Karlsruhe 
Goethe-Institut Egypt 
Goethe-Institut Tunisia 
German-Egyptian /-Tunisian Transformation Partnership 
Supported by the Federal Foreign Office

The discussion takes place in cooperation with the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design in the context of the aesthetics seminar "Former West" (Head: Prof. Dr. Beat Wyss und Sebastian Baden) with students of the HfG.


Organizing Organization / Institution



ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

