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Sound Dome. Radio plays for 47 loudspeakers

ARD Radio Play Days 2018

Sat, November 10, 2018 6:00 pm CET

© Martin Brandlmayr, photo: Maria_Ziegelboeck

Next City Sounds – Electroacoustic Live-Performance 

Hofmann, Kempf and Wilcox use urban sound landscape recordings for their live composition, which were recorded within one year (2015 – 2016) by seven listening stations distributed in Karlsruhe. 

By: Yannick Hofmann, Marco Kempf and Dan Wilcox
Production: ZKM | Hertz Laboratory 2018, UA
Length: 15' 


Fontana ReMix 

Gianluca Verlingieri wants to »mix« two aspects metaphorically: first, a compositional process that follows the tools and rules of John Cage's score for »Fontana Mix« from 1960, and second, an attempt to go beyond the first process and give the composer back some decision-making tasks, especially with regard to macroform and the nature and density of events. 

By: Gianluca Verlingieri
Production: ZKM | Hertz Laboratory 2006
Length: 12' 


Spheres of Resonance 

The sound phenomena audible in this composition are based entirely on the laws of mechanics and are often comparable with objects from reality: small musical clocks, pendulums and accelerandi triggered by gravity, or even sound phenomena that can hardly be explained, such as the sound of a heavy ship's engine. At the same time, the piece attempts to make physical phenomena aesthetically usable. 

From: Ludger Brümmer
Production: ZKM | Hertz Laboratory 2015
Length: 24' 


Vive les fantômes 

The Austrian jazz musician and composer Martin Brandlmayr has been working for years with structures that function through memory and repetition, with shapes and figures that appear again and again. This is also the case in his radio play debut »Vive les fantômes«, which won the 2018 Karl Sczuka Prize. With the extended sound possibilities of his drumming he meets the ghosts of Miles Davis, Jacques Derrida, Billie Holiday and Thelonious Monk – but also films like »Sans Soleil« by Chris Marker and Hitchcock's »Vertigo«. 

From: Martin Brandlmayr
Dramaturgy: Frank Halbig
Production: SWR 2018, UA Klangdommischung
Length: 53'30''

Accompanying program
Accompanying Program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

