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AppArtAward 2015 - Request for Submission

© ZKM | Karlsuhe
This year the AppArtAward is to celebrate its fifth anniversary: Since 2011, the ZKM and the CyberForum e.V. have awarded this internationally unique prize for artistic apps. Once again, latest technological developments are sought in the field of mobile applications, the artistic character of which goes beyond user-oriented applications. The Special Award Crowd Art will be presented for its thematic relevance, as well as the Award for Artistic Innovation. This year’s Special Awards will also focus on the fields of Sound Art and Game Art. Each award is endowed with €10.000. Artists, designers and developers from all over the world are invited to submit their developments from March 9 till May 10, 2015.

Press Release

This year the AppArtAward is to celebrate its fifth anniversary: Since 2011, the ZKM and the CyberForum e.V. have awarded this internationally unique prize for artistic apps. Once again, latest technological developments are sought in the field of mobile applications, the artistic character of which goes beyond user-oriented applications. The Special Award Crowd Art will be presented for its thematic relevance, as well as the Award for Artistic Innovation. This year’s Special Awards will also focus on the fields of Sound Art and Game Art. Each award is endowed with €10.000. Artists, designers and developers from all over the world are invited to submit their developments from March 9 till May 10, 2015


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

