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Second phase of »Open Codes«: »Open Codes II: The World as a Field of Data« with around 40 new works

© ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Since the launch of Open Codes on 20.10.2017, the ZKM has registered almost 100,000 visitors within eight months. The first foreign station of Open Codes in the gallery of the Goethe-Institut Mumbai had about 3,500 visitors in two months. The number of visitors to the first phase of Open Codes in Karlsruhe and Mumbai is impressively high. They prove how much the completely new exhibition and educational experiment - with free admission, free snacks and drinks, free Wlan and free electricity - is accepted by the public.

After the first phase (20.10.2017-05.08.2018) of Open Codes showed various examples of coding, from Morse Code to genetic code, and their artistic and industrial application, the focus of the second phase (01.09.2018-07.04.2019) is on the investigation of a world that is not only generated, controlled and controlled by things, words and images, but above all by data. That is why the exhibition is called Open Codes II: The World as a Data Field. It opens on September 1st 2018 with a comprehensive workshop and education program as well as a reOPENing party and hackLOUNGE.

In addition to the approximately 40 new works to be set up in the exhibition space - the highlight is the large-scale installation The world as a data field with 40 screens by Peter Weibel and Christian Lölkes - code-based scientific projects will be published on the Open Codes website from September 1st 2018. These works are only available online.


Press Release


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

