Karl Sims

Evolved Virtual Creatures

Graphical representation of a multi-part architectural body lying on the floor
Karl Sims
Evolved Virtual Creatures
#DNA #ComputerGeneratedDesign
Medium / Material / Technic
computer animation, video
Size / Duration
5 min.

This narrated computer animation shows results from a research project involving simulated Darwinian evolutions of virtual block creatures. It presents a novel system for creating virtual creatures that move and behave in simulated three-dimensional physical worlds.

The morphologies of creatures and the neural systems for controlling their muscle forces are both generated automatically using genetic algorithms. Those that are most successful survive, and their virtual genes containing coded instructions for their growth are copied, combined, and mutated to make offspring for a new population. The new creatures are again tested, and some may be improvements on their parents. As this cycle of variation and selection continues, creatures with more and more successful behaviors can emerge. (Karl Sims)