BS DC Import ID
BS DC Import Time

Agnes Hegedüs

Year of birth, place


Role at the ZKM

  • Guest Artist
  • Artist of the Collection

Institute / Department

  • Institute for Visual Media


After early video works in the early nineties, Agnes Hegedüs went on to develop initial interactive installations. She creates works on basic themes of cultural activity and challenges the viewer to enter into a dialogue or game. In many of her works, there is a growing awareness of the communicative or exploratory gesture as the basis of an orientation in the world. The combination of simple ritualised gestures and complex image genesis illustrates the difficult relationship between potential and use in the application of current technologies.

1985-88 Studied Photography and Video Art at the Academy for Applied Arts in Budapest
1988 Studied at the Minerva Academie, Groningen
1988-90 Studied at the Academy of Art (AKI), Enschede
1990 Post-Graduate Studies with Peter Weibel at the Städelschule, Institut für Neue Medien, Frankfurt/Main

1990-93 Scholarship from the Stichting Fonds voor Beeldende Kunst, the Netherlands
1992 Artist in residence at the ZKM⎢Institute for Visual Media, Karlsruhe
1993 Prisma Prize for Computer Art of the Hamburgische Kulturstiftung for »The Fruit Machine«; Distinction in the Interactive Art category for »Handsight« of the Prix Ars Electronica, Linz
1994 Sparky Award from the Interactive Media Festival, Los Angeles

Solo exhibitions
1995 »Between the Words«, Kunst- und Austellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn

Group exhibitions (selection)
1989 »Europäisches Medienkunst Festival«, Osnabrück
1990 Art Video Hongrie, Straßburg; »Videofest '90«, Berlin
1991 »Artec '91«, Nagoya
1992 »Endo Nano - Ars Electronica«, Linz; »V2-Festival«, 's Hertogenbosch; »Videonale 5«, Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn
1993 »Machine Culture. The Virtual Frontier«, Siggraph '93, Anaheim,
1994 »Interactive Media Festival«, Los Angeles
1995 »Welcome to the Wired World - Ars Electronica«, Linz
1996 »Butterfly Effect«, Kunsthalle Budapest

»conFIGURING the CAVE«, NTT InterCommunication Center (ICC), Tokyo

Literature (selection)
Hegedüs, Agnes: "The Fruit Machine", The Council for the International Biennale in Nagoya (ed.): »The Third International Biennale in Nagoya - Artec '93«, Nagoya 1993; Hegedüs, Agnes; Takemura, M.: "How can we produce a Mental Space", NTT InterCommunication Center (ed.): »Media Passage«, Tokyo 1993; Hegedüs, Agnes: "The Televirtual Fruit Machine", »Fine Media«, Nr. 3, 1993; Boissier, Jean-Louis, Duguet; Anne-Marie; Terrier, Liliane (ed.): »Artifices 3 - Mise en mémoire/Accès a la mémoire - Installations Laboratoire Bibliothèque«, Saint-Denis 1994; Gerbel, Karl; Weibel, Peter: »Mythos Information - Welcome to the Wired World - Ars Electronica 95«, New York 1995; Museum of Contemporary Art (ed.): »Phantasmagoria - Pre-cinema to virtuality«, Sydney 1996



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76135 Karlsruhe

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