Deutscher/Internationaler Videokunstpreis & Internationaler Medienkunstpreis
In 1992, the ZKM and Südwestfunk Baden-Baden (SWF) founded the German Video Art Prize. It was the first prize for media art awarded in cooperation between a television station and a cultural institution.
It is time to create a new forum and draw the conclusion that is so obvious and yet so long delayed that the video image and the television image appear on the same screen – and everything else is a question of conventions and institutions.
- Mediagramm, December 1991
The prize was awarded from 1992 to 2004, but paused in 1999. The name changed several times: »Deutscher Videokunstpreis« (1992-1994), »Internationaler Videokunstpreis« (1995-1998), »Internationaler Medien/Kunstpreis« (2000-2005).
Since 2000 the prize has been awarded with a specific theme: »cITy« (2000), »Ctrl [Space]. Die wachsame Gesellschaft« (2001), »Bilder-Codes« (2002), »Konstruiertes Leben« (2003). »The invisible. Art_Science« (2004).