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Giga-Hertz Award 2009 & Walter-Fink-Prize of ZKM

Concert by the EXPERIMENTALSTUDIO of the SWR Freiburg

Fri, November 27 – Sat, November 28, 2009

© ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe

ZKM will be awarding the Giga-Hertz Award for Electronic Music together with the EXPERIMENTALSTUDIO of the SWR.

The prize sum of € 15 000 is to be awarded a composer for his life work; four prizes for production are each endowed with € 8 000. The jury 2009 comprises artistic directors of the participating studios: Ludger Brümmer (ZKM | Institute for Music and Acoustics), Detlef Heusinger (EXPERIMENTALSTUDIO of the SWR Freiburg), Vinko Globokar (composer and interpreter), Frank Kämpfer (editor for Deutschlandradio), Armin Köhler (chief editor for New Music at the SWR), Peter Weibel (Chairman of the ZKM | Karlsruhe) as well as Trevor Wishart (composer, awarded the Giga-Hertz Prize 2008)

Walter-Fink-Prize of the ZKM
Performance and award ceremony at the ZKM | Karlsruhe

Furthermore, in 2009 the Walter-Fink-Prize for Dance, Electronic Music and Media of the ZKM will be awarded for the first time. The production prize for the technical and innovative connection of choreography and sound amounts to € 10 000 and is directed at teams made up of composers, choreographers, dancers and stage designers. The prize benefactor is the patron of music Walter Fink. The jury was constituted of Norbert Beilharz (director and actor), Ludger Brümmer (ZKM | Institute for Music and Acoustics), Walter and Renate Fink (prize benefactors) and Achim Heidenreich (ZKM | Institute for Music and Acoustics / HfG Karlsruhe).

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    by Ludger Brümmer

    The Giga-Hertz Prize will be awarded for the third time this year. In the last three years, the Giga-Hertz Prize has become an important heavyweight in electroacoustic music. This has been helped by the jurors, who include composers Pierre Boulez, Wolfgang Rihm, Horacio Vaggione and François Bayle, and the world-renowned laureates Jonathan Harvey (2007), Trevor Wishart (2008) and, this year, Jean-Claude Risset, who is globally influential as a composer and researcher. The jury, consisting of Trevor Wishart, Vinko Globokar, Armin Köhler, Detlef Heusinger and Ludger Brümmer, quickly agreed on the designation for the Giga-Hertz Prize, as there are only a few personalities of Risset's stature who have expanded computer music to such an extent through their research and through their musical work. He is one of the pioneers of digital music.

    The production awards so far been have given to twelve composers, all of whom are already, or are in the process of becoming, established figures in the world of music. Some of the works created within the prize have already been performed or are still awaiting their premiere. The works of Åke Parmerud and Natasha Barrett, both composers with international reputations, will be presented to the audience for the first time on the evening of the award ceremony.

    All this is a collaboration between the EXPERIMENTALSTUDIO of SWR Freiburg and the Institute for Music and Acoustics of the ZKM | Karlsruhe. A cooperation that can show what is possible in the field of electroacoustic music. In addition, the prize and the prize winners were reflected by coverage and extensive radio broadcasts - especially by SWR2 but also by Deutschlandfunk. The response in the print media also illustrates the significance that the prize has achieved. This is not least because of the patronage of Günther H. Oettinger, Minister President of the State of Baden-Württemberg.

    After three years, an initial summary can be drawn. The average number of about 160 submissions from all continents of the world indicates the echo that the prize achieves. This shows how attractive it is for composers to work in the studios in Freiburg or Karlsruhe. The main prizes awarded so far have all gone to composers whose reputation is undisputed. It can be stated that the Giga-Hertz Prize has gained its role as the most important prize in electroacoustic music. The prize is also an important heavyweight for the two studios. Not least for this reason, Prof. Peter Weibel will personally guide through the evening.

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© ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe
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Main Award Winner 2009 | Jean-Claude Risset (France)

The main prize of the Giga-Hertz Prize 2009 goes to the french composer and researcher Jean-Claude Risset for his life's work. Born in Le Puy in March 1938, Risset is considered one of the great pioneers of computer music. He first developed the resynthesis of brass instruments in Bell Labs and conducted a series of experiments in the field of FM synthesis and wave shaping. In 1978, Pierre Boulez appointed him technical director at IRCAM before working at the Laboratoire de Mécanique of the CNRS in Marseille. As a composer, he was particularly interested in aspects of psychoacoustic illusions, such as Shepard Glissandi, also known as Risset Glissandi. He is one of the few personalities who can simultaneously look back on a historical oeuvre as a researcher and as a composer, and who has had a significant influence on computer music.

© ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe photo: ONUK
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Jury Statements on the Award Winners

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    Valerio Murat, »Les Machines Spiritueles«

    Valerio Murat's work »Les Machines Spirituelles« with texts by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti is a homage to the Futurists 100 years after Marinetti's »Manifesto«. It begins with Marinetti's words »Time and space died yesterday. We live in the absolute«. Murat picks up on this theme in a confident shaping of time and arcs of tension. In the 15-minute composition, he unites text, music and sound in a sensuous naturalness, but at the same time also in a bursting expressiveness, to create a work of strong sonority and gesture. This acousmatic work knows how to play with the material but also to bundle the tension into powerful layers.

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    Francisco Colasanto, »Baile«

    With his work »Baile« for double bass, clarinet, tape and live electronics, the Argentinian composer Francosco Colasanto, born in 1971, created an exciting melange of aesthetic fragments in which the electronics and the clarinet artfully combine to form a polyphonic rhythmically dominated structure. He reduces the material to the essential and puts the complexity into the playful expression. A lively piece has been created here, whose diversity and tension impressed the jury.

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    Panayiotis Kokoras, »West Pole«

    The work »West Pole« for piano and tape by Panayiotis Kokoras is characterised by a strict logic of tension that arises from the musical structure, from the close interlocking between piano and tape from the complex relationship between live and pre-produced sounds. 

    The dense intermingling of noise sounds with pitches creates a richness of structures that are nevertheless tangibly formulated and sensually positioned in the piece. 

    From these components arose a work full of vibrating energy that is able to fascinate.

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Fri, November 27, 2009

8 p.m. in the ZKM_Media Theater, admission € 9/6
Concert by the EXPERIMENTALSTUDIO of the SWR Freiburg
Among others Luigi Nono "La Lontananza Nostalgica Utopica Futura" for solo violin and electronics (1988–1989)
Violin: Melise Mellinger, live-electroncal realisation: EXPERIMENTALSTUDIO of the SWR, Director of sound: André Richard, Reinhold Braig

Sat, November 28, 2009

7 p.m. at the ZKM_Media Theater, free admission
Awarding of the Giga-Hertz-Prizes 2009

8 p.m. at the ZKM_Foyer
Awarding of the Walter-Fink-Prizes of the ZKM
with a performance by the prize winners

after the awards in the ZKM_Cube, free admission
Prize Winner Concert
Among others with premier performances of the Giga-Hertz Production Prize 2008 by Natasha Barrett and Åke Parmerud

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Giga-Hertz Award 2009



Ludger Brümmer (Composer, Head of ZKM | Hertz-Lab)
Vinko Globokar (Composer, Trombonist and Avant Garde Theoretician)
Detlef Heusinger (Artistic Director of SWR Experimentalstudio)
Frank Kämpfer (Editor for New Music at Deutschlandfunk)
Armin Köhler (Managing Editor for New Music at SWR and Artistic Director of Donaueschinger Musiktage)
Peter Weibel (Artistic Director of ZKM | Karlsruhe)
Trevor Wishart (Composer and Giga-Hertz Lifetime Award Winner 2008)

Organizing Organization / Institution



ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

