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Axel Volmar


Axel Volmar received his PhD from the University of Siegen in 2012. He was a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at McGill University from 2014–2016 and has recently joined the Collaborative Research Centre »Media of Cooperation« (SFB Medien der Kooperation) at University of Siegen as a research scholar. He is the author of »Klang-Experimente. Die auditive Kultur der Naturwissenschaften 1761–1961« (Frankfurt/M: Campus, 2015) and has co-edited a number of special issues and collected volumes within the field of sound studies, among them »Auditive Medienkulturen. Techniken des Hörens und Praktiken der Klanggestaltung« (Bielefeld: transcript, 2013) and »Das geschulte Ohr. Eine Kulturgeschichte der Sonifikation« (Bielefeld: transcript, 2012).


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