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Sonic Experiments 2023

Electronic Music and Audiovisual Performances

Sat, October 28, 2023 7:30 pm CEST


World premieres of outstanding compositions of contemporary electronic music. As part of the internationally announced ZKM Artist-in-Residency program

In the context of the Open Call »Sonic Experiments 2023«, composers and sound artists in the field of »Electronic Music and Sound Art« could apply for the categories Ambient, Noise and Drone. From over 180 submissions by composers from all over the world, an in-house jury selected a total of six artists who will now realize their new projects for a month in the studios of the ZKM | Hertz-Labor.

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D7 Paragraph: r17_faq / GPC_ID: 142965
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D7 Paragraph: r17_faq / GPC_ID: 142966
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  1. Import ID
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    D7 Paragraph: r17_faq_item / GPC_ID: 142967
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    Ambient – Tine Surel Lange | Simone Borghi (aka Morning Seance)

    Norwegian Tine Surel Lange presents a multichannel electroacoustic ambient composition based on field recordings from and around the Andenes Lighthouse on Andøya in the Vesterålen archipelago on the Arctic Ocean in northern Norway. She enriches these soundscapes with sound sources that are important to her and which are related to the area. In doing so, she explores the question of what stories this lighthouse might tell. 

    The work of the Italian Simone Borghi (aka Morning Seance) aims to transcend the boundaries of the ambient genre. Instead of relying on endless repetitions or simple minimalism, he explores the boundaries between calm and tension, creating a surprising, captivatingly hypnotic sonic journey.

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    D7 Paragraph: r17_faq_item / GPC_ID: 142968
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    Noise – Tuce Alba | Axel Chemla

    In contrast, Turkish noise artist Tuce Alba invites us on a transformative journey with an audiovisual stage performance in which seeing, hearing and feeling come together for the benefit of a profound emotional experience. Using a Moog synthesizer, she intuitively sets melodic, harmonic and rhythmic progressions, relying solely on her sense of touch and hearing - always aiming to capture the tension between the unknown and the willingness to embrace it. 

    Frenchman Axel Chemla takes a completely different path with his noise performance, which is also audiovisual, and relies on an explorative and radical approach based on neural audio synthesis. He does not rely on usual models trained with already existing data, but on sound synthesis by means of a spatial swarm of listening/generating agents. These are modeled in real time, with their internal structure modified to create a chaotic sound cloud that evolves over time through emergence and interaction.

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    D7 Paragraph: r17_faq_item / GPC_ID: 142969
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    Drone – Nicolás Kretz | Katharina Schmidt

    With Nicolás Kretz, there is also a Karlsruhe-based artist included in the program. He plays a drone composition for guitar and modular synthesizer. With the guitar, he creates a feedback system whose sound structure, rich in overtones, constantly surrounds the audience. Through the combination of oscillating guitar, self-resonant filters and spatialization through the Sound Dome of ZKM, he forms a wholly engaging work. 

    Grounded on field recordings of spaces at the ZKM and other spaces in Karlsruhe, Berlin-based Katharina Schmidt rounds out this extraordinary concert evening with a slowly evolving acousmatic, site-specific drone composition. The artist invites the audience to explore a dynamic web of harmonies and co-create the piece with their own experiences. By placing this interaction at the center, she also questions spatial-musical performance practices. Harmonic, social, physical and architectural spaces overlap and turn the concert hall into a network of social practices, conventions and resulting power relations.

Import ID
Admin Title
D7 Paragraph: r17_text / GPC_ID: 142970
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The series »Sonic Experiments« is dedicated to current developments within the various varieties of experimental electronic music. The program presents upcoming musicians and sound artists who either have a special sense for new, forward-looking impulses, or pursue particularly innovative compositional approaches. The aim of the series is to invite the audience to expect the unexpected. 

Legal Notice/Colophon

Ludger Brümmer (Curator)
Dominik Kautz (Curator, Project and Production Manager)
Benjamin Miller (Sound director)
Hans Gass (Light & stage technician)
Götz Dipper (Guest artist coordinator)


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

