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Program Item

Ulrike Ottinger & Rudij Bergmann

Beuys Brock Vostell – Film Screenings & Panel Discussions (2/3)

Sat, October 18, 2014 6:30 pm CEST

@ Ulrike Ottinger / The Wolf Vostell Estate
Lecture Hall

The second film evening on the exhibition »Beuys Brock Vostell« focuses on Wolf Vostell. The two renowned filmmakers Ulrike Ottinger and Rudij Bergmann have each made independent filmic contributions on the work of Wolf Vostell.

Ulrike Ottinger produced a documentary film on the Happenings »Schnee«[Snow] (1972) and »Berlinfieber« [Berlin Fever ] (1973). The artist had previously exhibited Wolf Vostell in 1971 in the gallery and edition »galeriepress« she founded in Konstanz, and was a close friend.
In his television series Rudij Bergmann made his own contributions dedicated to Wolf Vostell. In the four-part documentary »Nackt ist die Kunst« [Art is Naked ] (ARTE, 2006), he presented the installation »Heuschrecken« [Grasshoppers] (1970) as an early attestation of media art; in the eighth edition of »BergmannsArt« (SDR, 1997), he turned his attention to Vostell’s artistic critical examination of the Shoa. With »Leben ist Kunst. Kunst ist Leben« [Life is Art. Art is Life] (NDR, 1988) Bergmann realized a filmic portrait of the artist.

Ulrike Ottinger and Rudij Bergmann give detailed explanations of their film in discussion with Peter Weibel, and will respond to questions.

Moderation: Peter Weibel

Accompanying program
Accompanying Program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

