Nils Röller: Towards Cuzco 27

Ein E-Mail-Wechsel zwischen Kalk und Cuzco

Blick auf eine Hauswand und eine Mauer: Darauf das Gemälde eines grünen Blatts und des Wortes "Coca"

Das Kölner Brückengrün(Betonminze) kam mir heute nacht in den Sinn, ich war öfter mit meiner Frau am Ufer bladen. Beim ersten Mal sagte sie mir, dass das ein eigener Name sei. Habe heute nacht von ihr geträumt. Komme ansonsten nicht weiter, trinke Bier, rauche importierte Havannas und denke über die Ungerechtigkeit der Welt nach.

Dein Bierschelm (Heineken)

P.S.: Eins habe ich heute geschafft. Ich habe über Zahlen nachgedacht, bin aber zu keinem Ende gekommen.

P.S.S.: Hier noch etwas aus dem Attachment:

Marsthematics: Imagine a world where calculations are different? With their new album Idiology Cologne Pop-Band mouse on mars work on favourite of a modified view on calculations and mathematics. Track 9 “unity-concepts” is devoted to “marsthematics”. marsthematics stands for mathematics on the mars. This approach to calculation is different from the current digital one. The vocals of “unity-concepts” are difficult to understand. The voice is charming and clear and seductive. But one gets the meaning of the spoken words only by permanent rewinding or simply by reading the text on the CD-tray. marsthematics find their roots in a struggle on the foundations of mathematics at the beginning 20th century. In this struggle two concepts were fighting for the right view on mathematics. One that with David Hilbert works with the concept of correct operation and another with Luitzen Brouwer that keeps track of the meaning. The struggle did make Turing conceive the Turing-machine and the turing-mashine did lead to digitial computing devices. Digital stands for discretness and exact distinction between one step and the other. arsthematics do open a way for a different view on the relation between one and the other. marsthematics focus on the connecting force. The vocals say: “The one that if it is seen with others it is in the position to become more than one”. Here a thought of Brouwer is reformulated. Brouwer argues that the connection and not the discretness is first. Only at second place the split into one and the other occurs and numbers and calculation become possible. mouse on mars’ Idiology is an example of marsthematical music. The soundfiles used by andi thoma, dodo nkishi, and jan werner are all constructed. Constructed that does imply that every step of the sound production is retracable to “Eigen” (selfmade)-sounds. They are all produced by the musicians. The opposite of construction is sampling of found or copied material. But is this information interesting? I doubt that because it does reinforce distinctions and not connections (between construction and sampling, between one and the others). Instead of informations about distinctions one should look for ideas of connection.Instead of informations about distinctions one should look for ideas of connection. The connection between mouse on mars and Brouwers constructivism is scholastic, it remains scholastic even in the context of Deleuze and Guattaris Mille Plateus, where Brouwer is worshipped as a nomad. marsthematical constructivism becomes inspiring looking at the context of mouse on mars. A part from their career they do build a network of strange musicians that support each other viceversa. For more information: For more information on ethetics and problems of science:

Leider konnte ich das Attachment nicht öffnen. Die beiden haben mir übrigens in Aussicht gestellt, dass sie mir für die Anmietung meines Geschäfts etwas zahlen werden. Ich habe keine Ahnung, wieviel das sein wird. Ich fasse Mut, dass sich meine finanzielle Lage verändern wird. Zu Deinen Worten: Sei nicht so streng. Mir gefallen die leichten Reime mit den die Worte Gedanken schwanken lassen. Mir scheint als würden sie eine Gesetzmässigkeit in Dein Denken tragen, die ihm zugute kommt. Mir auch. Ich denke und grüble nach der Lektüre nicht mehr so streng.

Dein K