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new.New Festival – Innovation Stage

Di, 20.09. – Do, 22.09.2016

© ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe, Foto: Uli Deck

Dienstag, 20. Oktober 2016

12:30 UhrStarting up with CODE_n Alumnus
12:40 UhrDigital Disruption – Corporates and Startups facing the Challenge together

The rapid progresses in technologies are significantly influencing businesses and lifestyles today. New achievements have increased the potential for digital disruption across many industries. But the new chances are accompanied by a certain arduousness for companies. In these days, the rapidity and the flexibility of enterprises are crucial factors for their success. One way how companies are overcoming this intricacy is by cooperating with startups.

Young enterprises are often substantially faster and more specialized than larger corporations. Learn what the advantages of collaborations with startups are when it comes to facing the challenge of digital transformation. Find out how cooperation can be initiated and modeled, and how both sides can benefit from working together.


Daniela Schiffer

Co-Founder & COO |
Dirk LehmannInnovation Facilitator & Startup Coach
Michael Jakob ReinartzDirector Innovation | Vodafone GmbH
Raymond J. ChowSenior Manager Business Innovation | Daimler AG
13:20 UhrWorkforce of the Future – Digitale Lernwerkstatt

Digitization is often thought of merely in terms of automated factories. But what does digitization mean to people, to the individual employees and their role in the company, their duties, and the skills required of the company's staff and managers? Technological change is advancing rapidly. How can employees keep pace? We need to rethink our educational and training strategies with new approaches, such as digital learning factories.

Daniel BoeseMember of the Management Board | Festo Didactic SE
Svenja FalkManaging Director Accenture & Research Vorstand Accenture-Stiftung | Accenture
Jens BrajerVice President Digital Processes and Systems | Carl Zeiss AG
Volker WulfChair of Information Systems and New Media, Managing Director of the School of Media and Information (iSchool) | University Siegen
14:00 UhrThe future of power – Charting a new Course for the Energy Market

Reinventing the Electric Utility - The transformation of utilities into a decentral, always on and user centric world. The role of strategy, customer insight, new ways of innovation and cultural change.

Uli HuenerHead of Innovation Management | EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG
14:20 UhrThe Future of Mobility

Self-driving transportation units with a modular design? Machines that communicate autonomously? Gesture-controlled devices? Where is the future of mobility headed? The mobility market is moving quickly. We are presented with new innovations on an almost daily basis, all of which are supposed to improve the way we live, work, shop, and communicate.

The world seems to be falling into place around us, knowing what we need, reducing our workload, making life easier, and enabling us to manage even greater complexity than we ever could have managed before. The digitalization of our world and the constant information exchange opens completely new possibilities. Although the direction of mobility is uncertain, it’s important to act. Because one thing is sure – the future of mobility is coming. Fast.


Andreas Fassbender

Industry COO - Automotive,Travel & Transportation, Steel | Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Dr. Christoph Amma

Gründer / Founder | Kinemic GmbH

Dr. Michael Kranz

CIO | thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG

Helmut Schütt

CIO Daimler Trucks, Buses & Vans | Daimler AG

Markus Schmidt

Executive Vice President | Robert Bosch GmbH
15:00 UhrFrom Wearables to Invisibles - Smart implants: the Merge of Treatment and Monitoring of Chronic Disease

Wearable sensors have become a major topic in addressing a more efficient healthcare system – specifically in the management of chronic diseases, today the major driver of healthcare cost. However, those who are in need of these technologies don’t use the wearables – and most wearables do not deliver clinical value.

For chronic diseases, a higher integration of sensors in daily life is required. Active implanted devices offer a direct interface to the body without wearing a separate sensor. Besides delivering a treatment of a disease, mostly the reason why they are implanted, they can deliver accurate, clinically valuable information to the medical professional and the patient about the health status, and can be used for data driven engagement programs to drive lifestyle changes. This topic will be discussed with the help of neuroloop’s device to treat high blood pressure as an example.


Michael Lauk

Geschäftsführer / CEO | neuroloop GmbH
15:20 UhrStartup Pitches HealthTech
 The CODE_n16 Finalists will present their disruptive business concepts as their contribution to digital disruption. Meet and get to know our Finalists!


Blue Bird TechnologiesStartup
15:40 UhrMedTech: Today, Tomorrow, Beyond
 The future of MedTech will drastically change in the coming years. The talk will provide some insights on recent developments and technologies and topics of interest for the near future and beyond.

Prof. Dr. Boris Hofmann

Director Business Development | B. Braun Aesculap
16:00 UhrStartup Pitches HealthTech
 The CODE_n16 Finalists will present their disruptive business concepts as their contribution to digital disruption. Meet and get to know our Finalists!

Hindsait, Inc.

NonInvasive Medical DevicesStartup
NovioSense BVStartup
Quantum Base LtdStartup
SpinDiag GmbHStartup
16:20 UhrNext Generation Digital Business and Strategy for Life Science

The life sciences sector is currently experiencing what is most likely the greatest transformation since its existence. Tech start-ups are entering the market and creating all-new business sectors and growth areas by delivering innovative solutions for patient care. Current business models are being questioned, and profit margins are being squeezed. How can large pharmaceutical companies respond and adapt?

Are mergers the answer, or rather targeted partnerships? How can the business logic be adapted to the digital market for pharmaceuticals? What does all this mean for the way business is conducted in the life sciences industry?


Jan Ising

Managing Director & Head of Strategy - Life Science | Accenture
Mohanad ForsGlobal Commercial Digital Innovation Director | Novartis
Pascal KerhervéDigital Strategy Director | Boomerang Pharmaceutical Communications
Steve MillerHead of Global Marketing – Software and Automation | Merck
16:40 UhrWhat Creativity Is Trying To Tell You

Ask anyone on the street if they consider themselves to be creative and they usually come back with „I’m not a world-famous painter“ or „I wish I was“ or „I don’t have a creative bone in my body“. But when you ask them if they cooked a meal within the past few days, rearranged their furniture recently, or put together their outfit for the day they all say „yes, of course“.

Our three basic needs (food, shelter, and clothing) all require us to be creative, otherwise we would die. We may not be the next Picasso but we all use The Creative Process in our daily lives. We just haven’t given ourselves permission to take it further than the bare necessities.

Through research and self-exploration, Jonathan guides the audience through The Creative Process. Starting with the beginning stages of finding sacred space to allow your creative muse to thrive, progressing to the middle phasse of making mistakes, falling down and getting back up, to the final stage of sharing your talent with the world, this talk converts the skeptics to believers and the believers to creative visionaries.


Jonathan Tilley

Personal Brand Strategist
17:00 UhrToo many readers unwilling to pay – digitalization of the media industry
 People are reading more and more, but the willingness to pay for content – especially if it’s digital – is lower than ever before. So far, most of the digital media concepts have no sustainable success. Globally, the media is still looking for its preferred mode of action. But what will be the end of this story?

Astrid Maier

Head of Innovation & Digital Desk at WirtschaftsWoche Tech Editor | WirtschaftsWoche
Martin GroppBusiness Editor | Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Stephan DörnerChief Editor of | Yeebase Media GmbH
17:40 UhrNeologisms in times of Alphabet Inc.

What if the artist take the role of the copywriter obsessed with dismantling the unidirectional intent of marketing? Referencing to the role of language in shaping the collective understanding of the reality and, at the same time, embracing its own paradoxical state, Riccardo Benassi is advocating - through the creation of a Dictionary of Neologism - for a collaborative outcome that includes different type of professions and businesses related – as Art is – to the concept of ‘new’.

Riccardo BenassiVisual Artist

MItwoch, 21, Oktober 2016

12:30 Uhr

Starting up with CODE_n Alumnus e-volo GmbH – The Volocopter - Another dawn of a revolution in urban mobility out of Karlsruhe / Germany


From the history of the City of Karlsruhe: 1817 - Karl Drais invented the bicycle. 1885 - Carl Benz invented the automobil. 2016 - the premiere of manned flights with the in Karlsruhe invented Volocopter marks again the beginning of a new era in urban mobility. For the first time humans’ dream of personal flight as a daily routine becomes attainable.

As such it not only offers more widespread use in conventional aircraft domains, but brings us another step closer to air taxi services and entire transportation systems in the third dimension. “The flight was totally awesome” pilot Alexander Zosel said right after his landing.

“I got in, we did the pre-checks for what felt like maybe 20 seconds, and after that I’d already got the all-clear for flying. I didn’t wait long, I simply pushed the lever upward and the Volocopter simply sprung upward in a single bound.“


Alexander Zosel

Co-Founder & Managing Director | e-volo GmbH
VolocopterStartup | CODE_n Alumnus
12:40 Uhr

Autonomous Driving - Pilotes and New Business Concepts in Karlsruhe and the TechnologieRegion


The greater Karlsruhe has been chosen by the state government of Baden-Württemberg to be a pilot region in Germany concerning the autonomous driving. The project requires two strengths of Karlsruhe, namely its high know-how in the IT field, including the digitalisation, and its innovative mobility concept.

The connected and automated vehicles will be tested and developed in real-time road traffic in a geographically defined test area which constitutes a major opportunity for the enterprises and the research institutes of the greater Karlsruhe involved in the technologies of future. It questions various business concepts including the road transport and the way of travelling. And it may provide in the future new solutions in the mobility area.


Dr. Henning Lategahn

Managing Director | Atlatec GmbH
Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Marius ZöllnerVorstand und Direktor | FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Ralf EichhornHead of Unit | SmarterCity Karlsruhe, Economic Development and Innovation
Waldemar EppleChairman (of the board) | Automotive Engeneering Network
13:00 Uhr

IoT – Connected Intelligence


Thorsten Milsmann

Director Internet of Things EMEA | Hewlett Packard Enterprise
13:15 Uhr

Startup Pitches Connected Mobility - Internet of things

 The CODE_n16 Finalists will present their disruptive business concepts as their contribution to digital disruption. Meet and get to know our Finalists!


13:35 Uhr… it all starts with the customer – developing digital customer journeys that matter
 Designing the next digital customer journey – the next customer experience is getting significantly more important for companies and organizations to differentiate. But where to start with the design – know what is relevant and understand what needs to change to deliver that most rewarding experience.

Bernd Gill

Head of Service Innovation | Hewlett Packard Enterprise
13:50 UhrStartup Pitches Connected Mobility - Customer journey

The CODE_n16 Finalists will present their disruptive business concepts as their contribution to digital disruption. Meet and get to know our Finalists!



Insider NavigationStartup
14:05 UhrPlatform Revolution - the new engine of success in the automotive industry

Horsepower, acceleration, top speed. The automotive differentiators of yesterday just can't cut it on their own for modern, tech-savvy customers.  In-car technology has become the key differentiator in car purchasing decisions, and the race to build the best automotive tech platform has begun...

Taking a look into the lessons of other industries and the different types and characteristics of platform-based business models, we will talk about platform strategies and give guidance on how to win future platform wars in the automotive industry.


Manuel Meyer

Business Innovation Consultant | Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Yannick HausmannBusiness Innovation Consultant | Hewlett Packard Enterprise
14:20 UhrStartup Pitches Connected Mobility - Digital Platform-based Business Models
 The CODE_n16 Finalists will present their disruptive business concepts as their contribution to digital disruption. Meet and get to know our Finalists!


Ubermetrics Technologies GmbHStartup
14:40 UhrConvergences in the Energy Business through Digitalisation using the Example of E-mobility
 Using E-mobility as an example of how digital products and convergences between commodity and new products will affect the customers and future markets.
Energy and access to charging stations will be necessary for future mobility.

Lars Walch

Project manager e-mobility | EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG
15:00 UhrBeing an Automotive Startup – Tales from self-driving cars and big customers
 Since its inception in 2012, BASELABS has grown to be a software supplier to major automotive companies worldwide. In his presentation, Holger Löbel will share insights on a core technology for self-driving cars and the experiences of being a startup in a market that is dominated by huge companies.

Holger Löbel

CMO/Co-Founder | BASELABS GmbH
15:20 UhrThe Role of Big Data Analytics in Connected Mobility

When we speak of driving assistance or even driverless cars, we do so mainly in terms of business. Automakers will evolve into mobility service providers, driverless vehicles will conquer our roadways, and new business models will appear. But before a computer-guided vehicle moves even one meter, there have been years of research involving highly-complex systems resulting in an entire ecosystem of innovative players.

We'll delve into this fascinating topic and learn which technologies are gaining speed, and determine the role played by collaboration among the innovative players and young start-ups.


Anita Koerdt

Information Officer Mercedes-Benz Trucks Wörth | DAIMLER AG
Arnab ChakrabortyManaging Director Accenture Digital / Analytics | Accenture
Dr. Michael RaschkeCo-Founder | TTI GmbH - TGU blickshift
Wolfgang BeeckChief Technical Officer (CTO) DACH | Software AG
15:40 UhrCommunication of Future Cars

Traffic situation become more and more complex. Driver assistance systems already exist for years but cover only the car’s vicinity. Some traffic situations require early detection in order to allow early enough preparation for the driver. Vehicle-2-X will support communication among distant cars to provide status and event information to the driver.

There are eleven Day 1 use cases defined to improve safety and comfort in every day traffic situations. This presentation will introduce the basics, the use cases and the future of V2X communication.


Emanuel Sprung

Software Development Engineer | Vector Informatik GmbH
16:00 UhrStart-up from an enterprise – about traps and highlights
 As Start-ups becoming more and more attractive to all sizes of companies, this Slot focusses on the journey of building a start-up from within an enterprise. Based on the journey of AXOOM it will outline the different perspective from the start of an idea to operative realization in very short time as well as it will give insights on the little traps and the bigger highlights during this journey. At the end you will gain insights in the current status quo.

Florian Weigmann

16:20 UhrStartup Pitches Photonics 4.0
 The CODE_n16 Finalists will present their disruptive business concepts as their contribution to digital disruption. Meet and get to know our Finalists!



Bodle Technologies

Enigma BiotechStartup
16:40 UhrReturn on Engineering (Roe) – Development of the Streetscooter
 Due to short model cycles and numerous model variants based on the customers‘ desire for individuality all over the world profits shrink because R&D costs skyrocket. Companies willing to adapt can improve their market position and outrun competitors with unique products tailor-made for customers demand.
However, there is a problem with the adaption of this trend. The process of product industrialization normally cost too much and takes too long.
Hence, diversification and fast product updates can endanger a company’s success. The Return on Engineering (RoE) is an approach to overcome this problem. True to the motto „We need to fail early to succeed quickly“ methods where developed and validated on the success story of Streetscooter, an all-electric vehicle used by Deutsche Post DHL to deliver packages and parcels all over Germany.

Dr.-Ing. Chirstoph Deutskens, M.Eng

Chief Engineer | Chair of Production Engineering of E-Mobility Components
17:00 UhrStartup Pitches Photonics 4.0
 The CODE_n16 Finalists will present their disruptive business concepts as their contribution to digital disruption. Meet and get to know our Finalists!


Wearable Life ScienceStartup
Xarion Laser AcousticsStartup
twip optical solutions GmbHStartup
17:20 UhrVenture Capital Investors – What they want and how they support

Many entrepreneurs share the view that venture capital is the most expensive money you can find to fund your business. At the same time, statistics suggest that venture-backed companies outperform those without venture capital funding. We gathered a group of early-stage, later-stage and corporate venture capital investors to get closer to the truth.

Why do venture capital investors need to have such high expectations? What drives their business? How can they contribute to your success? What is the benefit of investor syndicates? Join us to take a closer look behind-the-scenes.


Axel Krieger

Partner | Digital+ Partners
Benjamin ErhartInvestment Director/Prokurist | High-Tech Gründerfonds
Bettina VoßbergGeschäftsführerin | HighTech Startbahn GmbH
Christof SiebertHead of Technology and Innovation Management | TRUMPF GmbH + Co. KG
Franz LehmannInvestment Manager | TRUMPF Venture GmbH
Johannes von BorriesManaging Partner | Unternehmertum Venture Capital Partners (Unternehmertum VC)
17:40 UhrMr Beam - Crowdfunding a Desktop Laser Cutter
 Laser cutting is a wonderful technology - too wonderful to be used only in heavy industrial machines. Let's bring it to your desktop!

Sven Rens

Founder | Mr Beam Lasers
Teja PhilippFounder | Mr Beam Lasers

Donnerstag, 22. Oktober 2016

13:10 Uhr

Starting up with CODE_n Alumnus relayr


Jackson Bond

Co-founder and Head of Product and Marketing | relayr GmbH
13:20 Uhr

Venture Capital - How to convince a VC?


10 billion US-Dollar – that is the amount venture capitals invested in European startups in 2015. The openness for funding young companies is growing exponentially. It’s the perfect time for emergent entrepreneurs to look for investors. But many startups have similar worries when it comes to approaching a venture capital. What is the best way to convince a VC that your startup is worth the money?

How do you contact them best and what is the most advantageous procedure to present yourself? Which advices should you follow and what are the no-nos? Get to know strategies that will help you persuading financiers to invest in your companies. Experts will give you useful insights in the world of venture capitals.


Armin Eichhorn

Founder. Coach. Moderator. |
Christof SiebertHead of Technology and Innovation Management | TRUMPF GmbH + Co. KG
Gitte BedfordVice President | Robert Bosch Venture Capital GmbH
Holger WagnerSenior Investment Manager | EnBW New Ventures GmbH
Ravi KuraniAssociate | Earlybird Venture Capital
14 Uhr

Primary business cases for Blockchain


The latter half of 2015 was a rollercoaster ride for those involved in the Blockchain phenomenon. In the financial services sector there was a rush of activity in the innovation space to prove Blockchain capabilities, with many service organisations rushing to release their new service or to introduce Blockchain into legacy processes to prove their capability.

Most recently, the industry is beginning to realise the true potential of distributed ledger technologies and how this can disrupt traditional industries.At GFT, we have addressed this by creating a lean Blockchain incubator to develop these ideas and produce a framework for success. We have defined a blueprint of business and technology best practice, to help firms create their own successful Blockchain prototype.


Nick Weisfeld

Head of Data Practice | GFT UK
14:20 Uhr

Startup Pitches Applied FinTech

 The CODE_n16 Finalists will present their disruptive business concepts as their contribution to digital disruption. Meet and get to know our Finalists!


Blockchain HelixStartup
Community LifeStartup
14:40 Uhr

Re-bundling the Financial Service Industry

 Unbundling is a popular topic in the financial service industry, but its implications for users are far from ideal. Fidor and GFT approach the subject under a new light, proposing re-bundling as the better alternative to unbundling, both for users and financial service providers. A seamless user experience, closed loop payments and single login with integrated KYC are just some of the benefits. Discover more in this session through examples co-created by Fidor and GFT.

Dr. Ignasi Barri

Innovation Manager and Head of GFT Digital Banking Lab | GFT Spain
Katharina RauschProduct Management | Fidor Bank
15:00 UhrStartup Pitches Applied FinTech


TaxFree4U (Bank4You)Startup
15:20 UhrInnovation in Enterprise-Scale Financial Institutions

Technology continues to evolve at a dramatic pace. The rise of the internet and mobile technology has dramatically changed many industries, from retailing to financial services. Innovative new technologies continue to emerge, helping many traditional businesses change their model, create efficiencies and drive new opportunities.

How can large enterprise scale organisations maintain their own drive for innovation faced with the leaner and agile new start-up firms? What is the best model for innovation, and can enterprise firms successfully work with the emerging FinTech community to find new models of engagement?


Dr. Martin Setzer

former COO, Advisor | Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg
Francesc FajulaChief of Digital Transformation & Innovation | Banc Sabadell
Thomas MartinManaging Director | GFT Germany
15:40 UhrThe Future of Financial Services is Now: How FinTechs Accelerate Digital Change in Banking
 In the first half of 2016, over 15 billion US Dollars were invested in Fintech worldwide, and 442 million US Dollars in Germany. Banks are looking beyond digitization of their online channels, searching for a truly digital revenue model, while start-ups challenge the traditional fields of payment, account management, investments and lending. Given this scenario, what can we expect of the banking industry going forward? Will this mean that banks and Fintech remain competitors, or can the two sides collaborate in some form to gain synergies that benefit both?

Frank Boberach

Head of Product Management | ReiseBank AG
Friederike StradtmannExpert Digital Business Models | Accenture
Philippe GelisCEO & Co-Founder | Kantox
16:00 UhrFinTechs vs. Banks – Threat or Opportunity?

The ongoing rise of FinTechs has triggered a debate about the future of banks and the financial market. A commonly held opinion is that FinTechs will fundamentally change the banking industry. Some experts even predict that FinTechs will displace banks as we know them today. Startups in the financial sector, however, do quickly reach their limits while trying to comply with the numerous regulations.

Do FinTechs and banks really have to be at odds or are there ways they can empower one another? What could productive collaboration look like? Find out how banks and FinTechs are converging and what the future may hold. Learn about existing cooperative ventures from banking industry experts.


Armin Eichhorn

Founder. Coach. Moderator. |

Dr. Martin Setzer

former COO, Advisor | Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg
Dr. Tim ThabeCEO | creditshelf GmbH
Florian ChristCEO | fino digital GmbH
Marika LulayChief Operating Officer | GFT Technologies SE
Matthias KrönerCo-Founder, shareholder and CEO | Fidor Bank
16:40 UhrCODE_n Alumni Talk

With the CODE_n new.New Festival CODE_n CONTEST enters its fifth round - five years full of innovative startups and business models.

Get to know two of our CODE_n Alumni during the Talk: derivo (CODE_n12) and Codeatelier (CODE_n13)


Dr. Thorsten Liebig

CEO | derivo GmbH
Timo GöbelHead of homee | Codeatelier GmbH
17:00 UhrFrom the Sovereign Individual to the Targeted Individual: how the New Economy has made us batshit crazy

The internet has become an ideal medium for the dissemination of unfounded conspiracies and disinformation and the reinforcement of beliefs and biases which has culminated in a fractured reality that threatens democracy itself. This talk draws a line from the 'Sovereign Individual', an idealized neoliberal knowledge worker, liberated by technology from the grip of geopolitics (as identified in the work of James Dale Davison and William Rees-Mogg) to the 'Targeted Individual', an utterly unremarkable, paranoid and narcissistic victim of the present, convinced that they are being persecuted by unknown forces via futuristic technology.

Daniel KellerFreiberuflicher Künstler/ Social Media Coordinator/ Thought Leader
17:20 UhrA Better Version of You

Innovation Stage

Thu, September 22, 5:20 PM > 5:40 PM

A Better Version of You asks how technology determines our actions and to what extent it is turning into an acting subject in its own right. Actions and decisions that have traditionally been a prerogative of humans – i.e, subjects – are increasingly devolved to networked machines and programming.

Technology tends to disappear behind the user-friendliness of intuitive surfaces and the interfaces that dictate our daily lives. Yet technology is acting more and more autonomously. And while end users continue to view themselves as acting subjects, it becomes increasingly difficult to determine who is actually in control.

Open call – contact us:

Christian von BorriesComposer & filmmaker
Nina FranzResearcher
17:40 UhrElectromagnetic conserved quantities.

Electromagnetic waves are the main carrier of information transporting a large set of physical observables from the radiation source to infinity. However, the electromagnetic field is more complex than usually assumed.

With a deeper understanding of the electromagnetic conserved quantities can be found a new physical layer for information transfer as a supplement to the conventional electromagnetic linear momentum used today to encode more information.

As an example, electromagnetic vorticity can improve existing data transfer schemes as shown by us in Venice in 2011, in Karlsruhe in 2015 during »Globale« exhibition and here in the panorama screen, with a new paradigm of collaboration between art curator and science was set up to communicate discoveries, knowledge and understanding nature in a new way, also looking for new possible funding strategies.

Fabrizio TamburiniScientist in Residence | ZKM - Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe



ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

