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Hiroshi Kawano – Bibliographie

© ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe, Foto: Tom Hahn
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Zusammengestellt von Jungyeon Ma



川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 美学 [Aesthetics], 東京大学出版会 [The University of Tokyo Press], Tokyo, 1967.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], コミュニケーションと芸術 [Communication and Arts], 塙書房 [Hanawa Shobo], Tokyo, 1968.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi] and 徳丸吉彦 [Tokumaru, Yoshihiko] (transl.), 哲学の世界10:芸術の哲学 [Virgil C. Aldrich: Philosophy of Art], 培風館 [Baifukan], Tokyo, 1968.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi] (ed.), 図形情報処理システム訪米視察報告書 [Report on Inspections of Picture Information Processing System in the U.S.], 国際産業促進センター [International Industry Promotion Center], Tokyo, 1971.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 芸術情報の理論 [Informatics of Art], 新曜社 [Shinyo Sha], Tokyo, 1972.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 芸術・記号・情報 [Art, Sign, Information], 勁草書房 [Keiso Shobo], Tokyo, 1982.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 芸術の論理:情報美学の方法 [Logic of Art: Methodology of Information Aesthetics], 早稲田大学出版部 [The Waseda University Press], Tokyo, 1983.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], コンピュータと美学:人工知能の芸術を探る [Computer and Aesthetics: Searching for the Art of Artificial Intelligence], 東京大学出版会 [The University of Tokyo Press], Tokyo, 1984.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], LOGO入門 [LOGO Primer], 培風館 [Baifukan], Tokyo, 1987.
R.F.シモンズ [Robert F. Simmons], 川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi] (editor in chief), and 藤田米春・岡田直之 [Fujihta, Yoneharu and Okada, Naoyuki] (transl.), 自然言語の論理処理 [Computations from the English], 培風館 [Baifukan], Tokyo, 1991.
川野 洋, 坂本百大、磯谷孝、太田幸夫 [Kawano, Hiroshi; Sakamoto, Hyakudai; Isoya, Takashi; and Ota, Yukio] (eds.), 記号学大辞典 [Encyclopedia of Semiotics], 柏書房 [Kashiwa Shobo], Tokyo, 2002.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi] and 진중권 [Chin, Jungkwon], 컴퓨터 예술의 탄생 : 컴퓨터의 예술적 잠재성에 대한 탐구와 도전 [The Emergence of Computer Art: The Quest and Challenge for the Artistic Potential of the Computer], 휴머니스트 출판그룹 [Humanist Books], Seoul, 2008.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], ネットワーク美学の誕生 [The Emergence of Network Aesthetics], 東信堂 [Toshindo], Tokyo, 2009.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 唯物論:感性計算論省察1998–2008 [Materialism: Meditations on Aesthetic Computation 1998–2008], 葦風書店 [Ashikaze Shoten], Tokyo, 2009.


川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], カント・ヘーゲルをめぐる直観論の考察 [Inquiry into Intuitionism around Kant and Hegel], in: 美学 [Bigaku (Journal of the Japanese Society for Aesthetics)], vol. 4, no. 3, January 1954, pp. 38–46.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], ゾフィア・リサの『音楽美学の諸問題』を中心として [About Zofia Lissa’s “Fragen der Musikästhetik”], in: 机 [Tsukue], vol. 7, no. 3, February 1956, pp. 24–27.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], マックス・リーザー『アメリカにおける芸術意味論』 [Max Rieser: The Semantic Theory of Art in America], in: 美学 [Bigaku (Journal of the Japanese Society for Aesthetics)], vol. 7, no. 3, December 1956, pp. 72–75.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], S. K. ランガーの芸術意味論 [S. K. Langer’s Semantic Theory of Art], in: 美学 [Bigaku (Journal of the Japanese Society for Aesthetics)], vol. 10, no. 3, December 30, 1959, pp. 57–60.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], アメリカ哲学会に於ける美学シンポジウムをめぐって [On the Aesthetics Symposium at the Annual Meeting of American Society of Philosophy], in: 美学 [Bigaku (Journal of the Japanese Society for Aesthetics)], vol. 10, no. 4, March 31, 1960, pp. 58–64.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], アメリカにおける芸術記号論の動向:C. モリスとA. カプラン [Trends of Art Semiotics in the USA: C. Morris and A. Kaplan], in: 美学 [Bigaku (Journal of the Japanese Society for Aesthetics)], vol. 11, no. 2 , September 30, 1960, pp. 61–64.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 最近における意味論の美学的傾向 [Recent Trends in the Aesthetics of Semantics], in: 机 [Tsukue], vol. 11, no. 2, 1960, pp. 24–27.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 実験美学 [Experimental Aesthetics], in: 日本読書新聞 [The Nippon Dokusho Shimbun], September 14, 1964, p. 5.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 分析的美学におけるコンテクスト主義 [Context Theory in Analytic Aesthetics], in: 哲学雑誌第 [Tetsugaku Zasshi (Philosophical Magazine)], 748, September 30, 1961, pp. 87–95.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], リチャード・F・カーンズ『芸術の構造』[Richard F. Kuhns Jr.: Art Structures], in: 美学 [Bigaku (Journal of the Japanese Society for Aesthetics)], vol. 12, no. 2, September 1961, pp. 65–68.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 現代における芸術記号論の展開 [New Development of Artistic Semiotics], in: 理想 [Risou], 345, January 1962, pp. 63–77.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 美学的用語の定義について [On Definitions of Aesthetic Terms], in: 美学 [Bigaku (Journal of the Japanese Society for Aesthetics)], vol. 13, no. 3, December 30, 1962, pp. 4–7.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 美学的情報理論の一考察 [An Inquiry into Aesthetic Information Theory], in: 都立航空工業短期大学研究紀要 第1集 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan College of Air-Technology No. 1], 1962, pp. 75–85.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 言語分析と情報理論:科学美学の方法に関する試論 [Linguistic Analysis and Information Theory: An Essay on the Methodology of Scientific Aesthetics], in: 都立航空工業短期大学研究紀要 第2集 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan College of Air-Technology No. 2], 1963, pp. 85–96.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 記号美学の新動向 [New Tendencies in Semiotic Aesthetics], in: 理想 [Risou], 370, March 1964, pp. 44–47.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], モンテカルロ法デザイン実験(口頭発表) [Experiments of Design by Monte Carlo Method (Oral Presentation)], in: 科学と哲学の会(主宰: 山内恭彦) [Science and Philosophy Club (Supervisor: Yamanouchi, Takahiko)], June 1964.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], マス・アートの美学と情報理論 [Aesthetics of Mass Art and Information Theory], in: 理想 [Risou], 373, June 1964, pp. 63–76.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 芸術の論理と記号美学 [Logic of Arts and Semiotic Aesthetics], in: 碧海純一編 [Aomi, Junichi] (ed.), 科学時代の哲学2:人間と社会 [Philosophy in the Age of Science 2: Man and Society], 培風館 [Baifukan], Tokyo, August 30, 1964, pp. 208–229.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 電子計算機とデザイン [Electronic Computer and Design], in: IBM Review, 6, September 1964, pp. 53–57.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 電子計算機でデザインする [Design Using Electronic Computer], in: 読売新聞夕刊 [The Yomiuri Shimbun, evening edition], October 14, 1964, p. 9.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 電子計算機のデザイン:造形シミュレーションのある実験について [Design by Electronic Computer: On an Experiment of Plastic Simulation], in: 科学読売 [Kagaku Yomiuri], vol. 16, no. 11, November 1964, pp. 21–27.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], モンテカルロ法によるデザイン実験 [Experiments of Design Using the Monte Carlo Method], in: 都立航空工業短期大学研究紀要 第3集 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan College of Air-Technology No. 3], 1964, pp. 75–91.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 電子計算機によるデザイン・シミュレーション [Design Simulation by Electronic Computer], in: デザイン学会11回大会発表要旨 [Abstract of the 11th Conference of the Japanese Society for the Science of Design], 1964, pp. 8–11.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 電子計算機によるモンテカルロ法デザイン実験(II) [Experiment of Designs Composed by Electronic Computer under the Monte Carlo Method (II)], in: 都立航空工業短期大学研究紀要 第4集 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan College of Air-Technology No. 4], January 10, 1965, pp. 83–98.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 芸術工学とアートクラシーの思想:科学的美学が新しくもたらすもの [Art Engineering and the Idea of Artocracy: What Scientific Aesthetics Gives Rise to], in: 月刊ディスプレイ [Display], 62, February 1965, pp. 26–29.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 計算機によるデザイン [Design by Computer], in: OKITAC研究会資料 [OKITAC Research], vol. 2, no. 2, May 24, 1965, pp. 1–10.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 偶然芸術と電子計算機 [Stochastic Art and the Electronic Computer], in: 月刊ジャパンディスプレイ [Japan Display], 66, June 1965, pp. 28–33.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 電子計算機芸術の可能性:人間をどこまで精神的に助けうるか [The Possibility of Electronic Computer Art: To What Degree It Can Mentally Support Man], in: 朝日ジャーナル [Asahi Journal], vol. 7, no. 41, October 3, 1965, pp. 96–102.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], コンピュータと言語 [Computer and Language], in: 第9回科学哲学会大会発表要旨 [Abstract from the 9th Annual Conference of the Philosophy of Science Society], 1965, pp. 10f.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 造形シミュレーションの理論 [Theory of Plastic Art Simulation], 科学論理学会 [Conference of the Japanese Society of Scientific Logic], 1965, unpublished manuscript.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 電子計算機と人間 [Electronic Computer and Man], in: 哲学 [Tetsugaku (Journal of the Philosophical Association of Japan)], vol. 1965, no. 15, 1965, pp. 158–160.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 技術と芸術 [Technology and Art], in: 児島洋編 [Kozima, Hiroshi] (ed.), 哲学への12の視点 [12 Perspectives to Philosophy], 理想社 [Risousha], Tokyo, 1965, pp. 253–280.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 科学と哲学の交流(書評) [Dialogs between Science and Philosophy (Review)], in: 日本読書新聞 [The Nippon Dokusho Shimbun], January 31, 1966.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 音楽享受における反応の情報分析 [Informational Analysis of Response in Musical Experience], in: 都立航空工業短期大学研究紀要 第5集 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan College of Air-Technology No. 5], March 1966, pp. 171–188.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], ライヒェナウ派における初期のロマネスク様式の形成 [Formation of Early Romanesque Style in the Reichenau School], in: 都立航空工業短期大学研究紀要 第5集 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan College of Air-Technology No. 5], March 1966, pp. 189–199.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 芸術における模倣と創造 [Mimesis and Creation in Art], in: フィルハーモニー [Philharmony], vol. 38, no. 3, March 1966, pp. 2–10.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], デザインとはなにか [What Is Design?], in: 美学 [Bigaku (Journal of the Japanese Society for Aesthetics)], vol. 17, no. 3, December 1966, pp. 59–62.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 分析美学 [Analytic Aesthetics], in: 竹内敏雄監修 [Takeuchi, Toshio] (ed.), 講座:美学新思潮3―芸術記号論 [Lecture Series on New Trend in Aesthetics 3 – Art Semiotics], 美術出版社 [Bijutsu Shuppan-sha], Tokyo, 1966, pp. 59–128.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 造形活動と言語 [Plastic Activities and Languages], in: 鈴木五郎編[Suzuki, Goro] (ed.), 幼少年期教育の追求を試みる [Attempt to Pursue Childhood Education], ひかりのくに [Hikarinokuni], Osaka, 1966, pp. 152–157.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], ベンゼの情報理論 [Bense’s Information Theory], in: 勝見勝編[Katsumi, Masaru] (ed.), 現代デザイン理論のエッセンス [The Essence of Modern Design Theory], ペリカン社 [Perikansha], Tokyo, 1966, pp. 365–381.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 美学における反映理論の検討 [Reflection Theory in Aesthetics], in: 日本大学芸術学会 芸術学12号 [Society for Science of Art, Nihon University, The Science of Art, No. 12], 1966, pp. 1–12.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], コンピュータによる自由デザインの生成実験 [Generative Experiment of Free-Design by Computer], in: 都立航空工業短期大学研究紀要 第6集 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan College of Air-Technology No. 6], March 1967, pp. 97–103.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 計算機芸術の寸描:過去と現在 [Computer Art: Now and Then], in: 自然 [Shizen], vol. 22, no. 4, April 1967, pp. 54–63.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 情報美学における価値の問題 [Problems of Value in Information Aesthetics], in: 美学 [Bigaku (Journal of the Japanese Society for Aesthetics)], vol. 18, no. 69, June 30, 1967, pp. 22–32.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 記号論・情報理論 [Semiotics/Informatics], in: 音楽芸術 [Ongaku Geijutsu (Musical Arts)], vol. 25, no. 10, October 1967, pp. 28–31.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 電子計算機によるデザインの作成 [Design Creation Using a Computer], in: 印刷雑誌 [Insatsuzassi (Print Magazine)], vol. 50, no. 5, 1967, pp. 33–38.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 芸術の論理 [Logic of Art], in: 沢田充茂編 [Sawada, Nobushige] (ed.), 哲学 [Philosophy], 有斐閣 [Yuhikaku], Tokyo, 1967, pp. 198–213.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 短歌の分析と生成 [The Analysis and Generation of TANKA (Japanese 31 Syllable Poem)], in: 都立航空工業短期大学研究紀要 第6集 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan College of Air-Technology No. 6], 1967, pp. 105–114.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], コンピュータ未来学(座談会) [Table Talk: Computer Futurology], in: コンピュートピア [Computopia], January 1968, pp. 43–51.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 第1回日本コンピュータ・アート・コンテスト誌上発表 [The 1st Computer Art Contest in Japan], in: コンピュートピア [Computopia], April 1968, pp. 57–63.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 芸術と機械(人間機械論) [Art and Machine (Cybernetics)], in: 理想 [Risou], 421, June 1968, pp. 33–42.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 芸術における秩序と無秩序 [Order and Disorder in Art], in: 数理科学(特集:偶然) [Mathematical Sciences (Special Issue: Contingency)], vol. 6, no. 6, June 1968, pp. 58–64.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 芸術の未来とコンピュータ [The Future of Art and Computer], in: コンピュートピア [Computopia], June 1968, pp. 57–64.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 記号の世界における抽象情報と具体情報 [Abstract Information and Concrete Information in the World of Signs], in: 科学哲学 [Kagaku Tetsugaku (Journal of the Philosophy of Science Society, Japan)], vol. 1, October 1968, pp. 71–82.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 情報革命 [Information Revolution], in: 中日新聞夕刊 [The Chunichi Shimbun, evening edition], November 5, 1968.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], コンピュータによるデザイン・シミュレーションの思想と方法 [Ideas and Methods of Design Simulation Using the Computer], in: 林進編 [Hayashi, Susumu] (ed.), 現代デザインを考える [On Contemporary Design], 美術出版社 [Bijutsu Shuppan-sha], Tokyo, 1968, pp. 61–96.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 音楽における反応の情報分析(II) [Informational Analysis of Response in Musical Experience II], in: 都立航空工業短期大学研究紀要 第7集 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan College of Air-Technology No. 7], 1968, pp. 67–76.
Kawano, Hiroshi, “The Aesthetics for Computer Art,” in: bit international 2. computers and visual research, Kelemen, Boris and Putar, Radoslav (eds.), Galerije grada Zagreba, Zagreb, 1968, pp. 19–28.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 情報美学とコンピュータによるデザイン・シミュレーションの方法 [Information Aesthetics and Design Simulation Method Using the Computer], in: 工芸ニュース [Industrial Art News], vol. 36, no. 5, January 1969, pp. 62–67.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], コンピュータの美学 [Computer Aesthetics], in: 蟻塔 [Gitou], vol. 15, no. 2, February 1969, pp. 5–8.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 自由と法則:情報処理機械の観点から[Freedom and Law: From the Viewpoint of the Information Processing Machine], in: 科学基礎論研究 [Journal of the Japan Association for the Philosophy of Science], vol. 9, no. 2, March 1969, pp. 34–39.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 図形Surprisalの分析 [The Analysis of Picture Surprisal], in: 都立航空工業短期大学研究紀要 第8集 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan College of Air-Technology No. 8], March 1969, pp. 67–76.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 記号美学の世界 [The World of Semiotic Aesthetics], in: デザイン批評 [The Design Review], no. 9, June 1969, pp. 35–41.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], コミュニケーション理論 [Communication Theory], in: コンピュートピア [Computopia], July 1969, pp. 8–11.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 音楽的コミュニケーションの情報分析 [The Information Analysis of Musical Communication], in: 音楽学 [Ongakugaku (Journal of the Musicological Society of Japan)], vol. 15, July 1969, pp. 1–21.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], コンピュータ・デザイン [Computer Design], in: デザイン・材料アカデミー講座 [Document of Lectures at Design and Material Academy], September 24, 1969, pp. 10–14.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], ’69コンピュータ・アート・コンテスト:コンピュータ・アートの現状と課題―第7回コンピュータ・アート・コンテストによせて [Computer Art Contest ’69: Situations and Problems of Computer Art – On the 7th Annual Computer Art Contest], in: コンピュートピア [Computopia], November 1969, pp. 17–24.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 芸術批評における無意図の誤謬 [Unintentional Fallacy in Art Criticism], in: 野村良雄先生還暦記念行事実行委員会編 [The Committee of Yoshio Nomura’s 60th Anniversary Celebration] (ed.), 音と思索 [Sound and Thought], 音楽之友社 [Ongaku No Tomo Sha], Tokyo, 1969, pp. 63–75.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 科学と芸術 [Science and Art], in: 金沢美術工芸大学講演集[Document of Lectures at Kanazawa College of Art], 1969 [lecture given on November 1967], pp. 51–68.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 意図とパフォーマンス [Intention and Performance], in: 倫理学年報 第19集 [The Annals of Ethics No. 19], March 1970, pp. 103–113.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 情報処理技術としての芸術 [Art as Information-Processing Technology], in: 思想 [Shisou], 551, May 1970, pp. 68–81.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 情報の基礎理論(1):情報の概念とシステム [Basic Theory of Information (1): The Concept and System of Information], in: 学習コンピュータ [Study Computer], June 1970, pp. 151–154.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 造形活動と言語 [Plastic Activity and Language], in: 保育 [Hoiku (Nurture)], vol. 25, no. 6, June 1970, pp. 38–42.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 有限芸術の理想:現代都市論への美学的アプローチ [Ideal of Finite Art: An Aesthetic Approach to Contemporary Urban Theory], in: 現代文化研究会会報第33号 [Report on Contemporary Culture Studying Group No. 33], June 1970, pp. 1–8.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 情報理論“美”への幻惑をたて [Informatics: Against the Delusion of “Beauty”], in: デザインジャーナル [Design Journal], vol. 1, no. 4, August 15, 1970.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], コンピュータ・アートはどのようにして創られるか [How Is Computer Art Created?], in: 月刊近代経営 [Kindai Keiei (Modern Management Monthly)], vol. 15, no. 11, September 1970, pp. 74–77.
Kawano, Hiroshi, untitled, in: tendencije 4, Bek, Božo (ed.), exhib. cat., Galerija survremene umjetnosti, Zagreb, 1970, n.p.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 越智利夫 [Ochi, Toshio], 藤原敏正 [Fujiwara, Toshimasa], and石原藤夫 [Ishihara, Fujio], われらコンピュータの指南役:碁、将棋、絵をコンピュータにやらせてみれば(座談会) [We Are Computer Instructors: What If We Make Computers Play Chess or Paint (Table Talk)], in: 学習コンピュータ [Study Computer], February 1971, pp. 11–17.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi] and 下村千早 [Shimomura, Chihaya], コンピュータ・アート [Computer Art] / “Computer Arts Exhibition: Demonstrated at the Plaza DIC,” in: グラフィックデザイン [Graphic Design], 41, March 20, 1971, pp. 31–42.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], コンピュータアートの思想 [The Idea of Computer Art], in: グラフィックデザイン [Graphic Design], 41, March 20, 1971, p. 31.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], コンピュータ芸術シミュレーションとは [Art Simulation by Computer], in: グラフィックデザイン [Graphic Design], 41, March 1971, pp. 32f.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 図形Surprisalの分析II [The Analysis of Picture Surprisal II], in: 都立航空工業短期大学研究紀要 第9+10集 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan College of Air-Technology No. 9 + 10], March 1971, pp. 23–45.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], Kシステムの学習課程における意味情報分析 [The Analysis of Semantic Information in Learning Process of K System], in: 都立航空工業短期大学研究紀要 第9+10集 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan College of Air-Technology No. 9 + 10], March 1971, pp. 47–58.
Kawano, Hiroshi, “Computer Art as Artificial Intelligence,” lecture at the colloquy “Art and Computers 71,” Zagreb, Yugoslavia, June 26–27, 1971, unpublished manuscript.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], パターン認識とは何か [What Is Pattern Recognition?], in: 映像情報 [Eizojoho (A Monthly Journal of Medical Imaging and Information)], vol. 4, no. 1, January 1972, pp. 8–11.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], イメージ処理の論理 [The Logic of Image Processing], in: 放送学研究 [Studies of Broadcasting], vol. 24, March 1972, pp. 97–126.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], マルコフ・チェイン図形言語の設計 [The Design of Markov-Chain Picture Language], in: 都立航空工業短期大学研究紀要 第11集 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan College of Air-Technology No. 11], March 1972, pp. 61–86.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], “Computer Art and Picture Language,” in: 都立航空工業短期大学研究紀要 第11集 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan College of Air-Technology No. 11], March 1972, pp. 97–101.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 芸術の歴史とエントロピー(特集:エントロピー) [The History of Arts and Entropy (Special Issue: Entropy)], in: 数理科学 [Mathematical Sciences], 110, August 1972, pp. 46–48.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], “世紀の大芸術家”ソノナハコンピュータ [“Computer”: the Name of the Greatest Artist of the Century], in: 日本経済新聞夕刊 [The Nihon Keizai Shimbun, evening edition], November 4, 1972.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], コンピュータ自身の芸術は可能か [Possibilities of Computer Art], in: 無限大(日本IBM) [Mugendai (PR Magazine of IBM Japan)], 13, December 1972, pp. 16–19.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 図形記述言語の処理方式について [On the Process of Picture Description Language], in: 情報処理学会第13回全国大会講演予稿集 [The 13th Convention of the Information Processing Society of Japan], December 1972, pp. 55f.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 人工言語と計算の論理 [Artificial Language and Logic of Computation], in: 坂本百大編著 [Sakamoto, Hyakudai] (ed.), ことばの哲学 [Philosophy of Language], 学文社 [Gakubunsha], Tokyo, 1972, pp. 59–94.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], イメージの情報論 [Information Theory of Images], in: 北川敏男等編 [Kitagawa, Toshio] et al. (eds.), 講座:情報社会科学16:情報文化の新次元3―デザイン文化 [Lecture Series on Information Social Science 16: New Dimension of Information Culture Vol. 3 – Design Culture], 学習研究社 [Gakushu-kenkyu-sha], Tokyo, 1972, pp. 31–58.
Kawano, Hiroshi, “Computer-aided Aesthetics as Simulation of Art,” in: The 7th International Congress of Aesthetics, Bucharest, Romania, 1972, unpublished manuscript.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], “Analysis of Information Processing of Art,” in: Psychologia, vol. 15, 1972, pp. 156–166.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], マルコフ・チェイン図形とプログラミング言語 [Markov Chain Pictures and Programming Language], in: 電気学会情報処理研究会資料 [Materials of Study in Information Processing of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan], January 1973, pp. 1–8.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], デザインのための図形言語 [A Study on Picture Language for Designing], in: 工芸ニュース [Industrial Art News], vol. 40, no. 4, February 1973, pp. 4–14.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], PDL (Picture Description Language) 処理のアルゴリズム [On the PDL Processing Algorithm], in: 都立工科短期大学研究報告 [Memoirs of the Metropolitan College of Technology], 1, March 1973, pp. 127–136.
Kawano, Hiroshi, “Red Tree (détail),” in: Marielle Gazale (ed.), LES CAHIERS SESA, 5, October 1973, p. 12.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], コンピュータ・アーチスト考 [On Computer Artist], in: コンピュートピア別冊コンピュータ・芸術 [Computopia (Special Issue: Computer and Art)], October 1973, pp. 66–72.
Kawano, Hiroshi, “PDL Processor for Picture Production,” in: ICCH/1, 1st International Conference on Computers and the Humanities, University of Minnesota, MN, 1973, unpublished manuscript.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 芸術への情報工学的アプローチ [Computer Scientific Approach to Art], in: スチールデザイン [Steel Design], 129, February 1974, pp. 33f.
Kawano, Hiroshi, “The Idea of My Computer Art,” in: PCC (People’s Computer Company), vol. 2, no. 6, July 1974, p. 12.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 言語を学習・理解する機械:マルコフ目標とオートマトン [Machines that Learn and Understand Language: Markov Destination and Automaton], in: 科学哲学[Kagaku Tetsugaku (Journal of the Philosophy of Science Society, Japan)], vol. 7, November 1974, pp. 15–25.
Kawano, Hiroshi, “untitled”, in: Gheerbrant, Gilles (ed.), International Computer Art Exhibition: Canadian Computer Art Show 1974, exhib. cat., Galerie Gilles Gheerbrant, Montreal, November 1974, n.p.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], “The Design of Conversational PCS (Picture Composition System),” in: 都立工科短期大学研究報告 [Memoirs of the Metropolitan College of Technology], 2, 1974, pp. 117–140.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 拡張PDLによる動的図形設計システム [A Dynamic Picture Design System by Extended PDL], in: 都立工科短期大学研究報告 [Memoirs of the Metropolitan College of Technology], 3, March 1975, pp. 123–146.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], PDLのリスト処理による図形修飾 [Picture Modifications by PDL List Processing], in: 電気学会情報処理研究会資料IP-75-9 [Materials of Study in Information Processing of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, IP-75-9], March 1975, pp. 1–10.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 芸術の言語モデル [Finiteness of Art and Its Linguistic Model], in: 美学 [Bigaku (Journal of the Japanese Society for Aesthetics)], vol. 26, no. 1, June 30, 1975, pp. 21–31.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 1975年コンピュータ・アート展によせて:コンピュータ・アートは人間のカガミ [On Computer Art Exhibition 1975: Computer Art Is the Mirror of Man], in: コンピュートピア [Computopia], October 1975, pp. 102–105.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], デコレーション・アート・デザインについて―情報論美学の立場から [On Decoration Art Design: From the Viewpoint of Informatics Aesthetics], in: 京都新工芸サロンだより第8号 [Kyoto New Craft Salon News No. 8], December 1975, pp. 3–8.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], PDL処理へのLISPの適用 [Application of LISP to PDL Processing], in: 情報処理学会第16回全国大会 [The 16th Convention of Information Processing Society of Japan], 1975, pp. 143f.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], イメージの情報科学 [Informatics of Images], in: 大島三男編 [Ohshima, Mitsuo] (ed.), 現代教育と情報科学 [Contemporary Education and Informatics], 第一法規 [Daiichihoki], Tokyo, 1975, pp. 159–179.
Kawano, Hiroshi, “Markov Process Theory of Picture,” in: ICCH/2, 2nd International Conference on Computers and the Humanities, University of Southern California, CA, 1975, unpublished manuscript.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], PDLリスト処理の一考察 [On PDL List Processing], in: 昭和50年度電子通信学会全国大会 [Annual Conference of Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers], 1975, p. 1164.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 芸術における空間と時間 [Space and Time in Art], in: 清水達雄等著 [Shimizu, Tatsuo] et al. (eds.), 人間・建築・環境六書2:空間と時間 [Six Books on Man, Architecture, and Environment No. 2: Space and Time], 彰国社 [Shokoku Sha], Tokyo, 1975, pp. 155–190.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi] and 磯部俊夫 [Isobe, Toshio], 音楽計算機システム [Musical Computing System], in: 情報処理学会第17回プログラミング・シンポジウム報告書 [Report on the 17th Programming Symposium of the Information Processing Society of Japan], January 1976.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 音楽計算機の楽曲処理システム [Analysis-Composition-Performance-System of Music Computer], in: 都立工科短期大学研究報告 [Memoirs of the Metropolitan College of Technology], 4, March 1976, pp. 105–118.
Grace C. Hertlein et al. (ed.), Computer Graphics and Art, Special Art Issue, NCC ’76 Art Exhibition, New York City, June 7–10, 1976, vol. 1, no. 2, May 1976, p. 12.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 新イデア論(研究発表要旨) [New Theory of Idea (Abstract of the Oral Presentation)], in: 哲学 [Tetsugaku (Journal for the Philosophical Association of Japan)], vol. 1976, no. 26, May 1976, pp. 85f.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], “What is Computer Art?” in: Leavitt, Ruth (ed.), Artist and Computer, Harmony Press, New York, NY, June 1976, pp. 112f.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], イメージ論の情報科学的スケッチ:心ここにあらば、みざれどもみゆ [Informatic Sketch on the Theory of Image], in: 数理科学(特集:イメージ) [Mathematical Sciences (Special Issue: Image)], vol. 15, no. 3, March 1977, pp. 9–13.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], LISPによるPDL処理系の構成 [A Description of the PDL Processor in LISP], in: 都立工科短期大学研究報告 [Memoirs of the Metropolitan College of Technology], 5, March 1977, pp. 193–214.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi] and 端山貢明 [Hayama, Komei], 新しいデザイン精神とは何か(対談) [A Conversation on New Design Mind], in: オフィスライフ [Office Life], 16, 1977, pp. 12–14.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 計算機械の言語と人工知能 [Study of Artificial Language: Computer Language and Artificial Intelligence], in: 田島節夫編 [Tajima, Sadao] (ed.), 現代の哲学3:言語の中と外 [Contemporary Philosophy Vol. 3: Within and Outside of Language], 弘文堂 [Koubundo], Tokyo, 1977, pp. 175–252.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi] and 磯部俊夫 [Isobe, Toshio], マイクロコンピュータによる演奏処理の知能化 [Intelligent Musical Performance by Microcomputer], in: 都立工科短期大学研究報告 [Memoirs of the Metropolitan College of Technology], 6, March 1978, pp. 101–120.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], コンピュータと芸術の未来 [Computer and the Future of Art], in: 東京新聞夕刊 [The Tokyo Shimbun, evening edition], September 7, 1978.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], コンピュータと芸術:未来をきり開く有能な道具 [Computer and Art: A Competent Tool to Open up the Future], in: 西日本新聞夕刊 [The Nishinippon Shimbun, evening edition], September 9, 1978.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 芸術と計算機の相性 [Compatibility between Art and Computer], in: 月刊UP [Monthly UP], 68, 1978, pp. 7–11.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 日本思想史と芸術史 [History of Ideology and Art in Japan], in: 古川哲史、石田一良編 [Furukawa, Tesshi and Ishida, Ichiro] (eds.), 日本思想史講座別巻2:研究方法論 [Lecture Series on the History of Japanese Ideology Suppl. 2: Research Methodology], 雄山閣 [Yuzankaku], Tokyo, 1978, pp. 125–136.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 図形の生成文法による言語表現 [Language Expression by Generative Grammar of Picture], in: 日刊工業新聞 [The Nikkankogyo Shimbun], March 26, 1979.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], あるエピソード [An Episode], in: 専修大学人文科学研究所月報 [Monthly Report of Human Science Research Center of Senshu University], November 1979, p. 23.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], CAIにおける知能タートルの利用法試案 [An Idea of Using Intelligent Turtle in CAI], in: CAI学会第4回大会 [Report on the 4th CAI Conference], November 1979, pp. 30f.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 非言語の表現機構:言語処理へのプラグマティックス導入のこころみ [A Pragmatic Mechanism of Language Performance: Introducing Pragmatics to Language Processing], in: 科学哲学(言語と非言語) [Kagaku Tetsugaku (Journal of the Philosophy of Science Society, Japan) – (Verbal Communication and Non-verbal Communication)], vol. 12, 1979, pp. 29–43.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 自己学習は可能か [Is Self-learning Possible?], in: 月刊能力開発情報 [Monthly Ability Development Information], 73, January 25, 1980.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 意味制御つきATNによる短歌の生成 [Generation of TANKA by Semantic ATN], in: 都立工科短期大学研究報告 [Memoirs of the Metropolitan College of Technology], 8, March 1980, pp. 149–171.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi] (chairman of the committee) et al., 教育情報システムに関する調査研究報告書 [Research Report on Information Systems in Education], in: システム技術開発調査研究報告書 54-12 [Research Report on the Development of System Technology 54-12], 財団法人システム振興協会 [The Mechanical Social Systems Foundation], March 1980.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], コンピュータがつくる詩 [Computer-composed Poetry], in: 学習コンピュータ [Study Computer], July 1980, pp. 11f.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], コンピュータ・アートにおけるATNの手法 [ATN Method in Computer Art], in: 日本システム工学会研究会資料 [Materials of the Japan Research Association for Systems Engineering], August 1980, pp. 1–8.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi] (transl.), Badler, Norman I. and Smoliar, Stephen W., 人体運動のデジタル表現 [Digital Representation of Human Movement], in: bit別冊 コンピュータ・サイエンス [Computer Science: Extra Edition of Bit], November 1980, pp. 179–183.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], Semantic ATNによる正規短歌の生成 [Composing Normal TANKA by Semantic ATN], in: 情報処理学会第21回全国大会 [The 21st Convention of the Information Processing Society of Japan], 1980, pp. 831f.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi] (chairman of the committee) et al., 教育情報システムに関する調査研究報告書 [Research Report on Information Systems in Education], in: システム技術開発調査研究報告書 55-3 [Research Report on the Development of System Technology 55-3], 財団法人システム振興協会 [The Mechanical Social Systems Foundation], March 1981.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], “TANKA Generation by Bottom-Up ATN,” in: 都立工科短期大学研究報告 [Memoirs of Metropolitan College of Technology], 9, March 1981, pp. 175–191.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 表現の情報科学 [Information Science of Expression], in: 女子体育6月号 [Women’s Physical Education No. 6], June 1981, pp. 1–6.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], Bottom-Up ATNによる短歌の生成 [TANKA Generation by Bottom-Up ATN], in: 情報処理学会第22回全国大会 [The 22nd Convention of the Information Processing Society of Japan], 1981, pp. 831f.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], “DORAEMON as a Pragmatic Processor,” in: 都立工科短期大学研究報告 [Memoirs of Metropolitan College of Technology], 10, March 1982, pp. 173–183.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 身障者在宅訓練サポート・センター [Home-based Training Support Center for Disabled People], in: 東京都立工科短期大学研究調査要報 [Research Report of Metropolitan College of Technology], 3, May 1982.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], LOGOと子供たちの対面 [LOGO Meets Children], in: BYNAS MESSAGE, 2, November 1982, pp. 1f.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 冗長度の比喩 [Metaphor for Redundancy], in: 新建築学大系・月報 [Monthly Report for the New Compendium of Architecture], 16, December 1982.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 記号過程としての芸術 [Art as Symbolic Process], in: 川本茂雄他編 [Kawamoto, Shigeo] et al. (eds.), 講座:記号論3:記号としての芸術 [Lecture Series on Semiotics Vol. 3: Art as a Symbol], 勁草書房 [Keiso Shobo], Tokyo, 1982, pp. 2–18.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 芸術のサイバネティクス [Cybernetics of Art], in: 川本茂雄等編 [Kawamoto, Shigeo] et al. (eds.), 講座:記号論3:記号としての芸術 [Lecture Series on Semiotics Vol. 3: Art as a Symbol], 勁草書房 [Keiso Shobo], Tokyo, 1982, pp. 48–65.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 生きた知識の仕組:認知科学による科学哲学の新武装 [Mechanism of Living Knowledge: Re-equipment of Philosophy of Science by Cognitive Science], in: 科学哲学(科学哲学の展望) [Kagaku Tetsugaku (Journal of the Philosophy of Science Society, Japan) – (A Prospect of Philosophy of Science)], vol. 15, 1982, pp. 15–30.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], パフォーマンスの示唆力 [Suggestive Power of Performance], in: 記号学研究 [Studia Semiotica (Journal of the Japanese Association for Semiotic Studies)], vol. 2, 1982, pp. 75–86.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 書評:山口昌男監修『説き語り記号論』 [Review on Yamaguchi, Masao’s “Semiotics Explained and Narrated”], in: 記号学研究 [Studia Semiotica (Journal of the Japanese Association for Semiotic Studies)], vol. 2, 1982, pp. 273–279.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 描画タートル:図形生成のためのある人工知能モデル [Turtle Painting: AI Model for Picture Generation], in: 図形と画像 [Picture and Image], vol. 3, no. 2, 1982, pp. 94–100.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 理解における期待と示唆:あるabductionシステムのこころみ [Expectation and Suggestion in Understanding: An Experimental Abduction System], in: 科学基礎論研究 [Annals of the Japan Association for the Philosophy of Science], vol. 16, no. 1/2, January 1983, pp. 83–89.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi] and 磯部俊夫 [Isobe, Toshio], 親子構造をもつ音楽計算機 [The Music Computer with Hierarchical Structure], in: 都立工科短期大学研究報告 [Memoirs of the Metropolitan College of Technology], 11, March 1983, pp. 251–273.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], コンピュータが絵を描くとは? [Can Computers Draw Pictures?], in: 教育美術 [Education Art], April 1983, pp. 10–13.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], パパートとロゴ:科学的思考と感性の橋渡し [Papert and LOGO: Mediator between Science and Aesthesis], in: 自然 [Shizen], vol. 38, no. 5, May 1983, pp. 36–43.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 知識の変容:Frame用法論 [Transfiguration of Knowledge: The Use of Frame], in: 数理科学(特集:知識構造) [Mathematical Sciences (Special Issue: Structure of Knowledge)], vol. 21, no. 6, June 1983, pp. 66–72.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], エレクトロニクスと芸術:新しい人間的構造世界の創出 [Electronics and Art: For a New Human-Structured World], in: ESP, 139, November 1983, pp. 38–41.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 落ちこぼれた真珠 [Dropped out Pearl], in: 郵政 [The Post], vol. 35, no. 12, December 1983, pp. 20f.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 人間らしい描画プログラム:LOGO, Smalltalk,そして幻 [Human Painting Programming: LOGO, Smalltalk, and MABOROSHI (Illusion)], in: 数理科学(特集:画像) [Mathematical Sciences (Special Issue: Picture)], vol. 21, no. 12, December 1983, pp. 46–51.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 認知科学と哲学の対話 [Dialogs between Cognitive Science and Philosophy], in: 科学哲学(認知科学の哲学) [Kagaku Tetsugaku (Journal of the Philosophy of Science Society, Japan)], vol. 16, 1983, pp. 1–4.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], つくることの情報科学 [Informatics of Production], in: 工業デザイン全集編集委員会編 [Committee of Collection on Industrial Design] (ed.), 工業デザイン全集1:理論と歴史 [Collection on Industrial Design Vol. 1: Theory and History], 日本出版サービス [Japan Publication Service], Tokyo, 1983, pp. 93–123.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], “The Art of PERSON – An Anthropomorphization of the LOGO Turtle,” in: 都立工科短期大学研究報告 [Memoirs of the Metropolitan College of Technology], 12, March 1984, pp. 191–207.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 芸術の歴史とエントロピー [Art History and Entropy], in: 別冊数理科学 [Independent Volume of Mathematical Sciences], April 1984, pp. 42f.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi] and 磯部俊夫 [Isobe, Toshio], 人工音楽家としての計算機 [Computer as an Artificial Musician], in: 情報処理学会:計算機と音楽シンポジウム [Information Processing Society of Japan, Symposium on Music Informatics], July 1984, pp. 41–50.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], LOGOタートルの俳優術(1) [Anthropomorphization of LOGO Turtle (1)], in: LOGOジャーナル [LOGO Journal], vol. 1, no. 7, September 1984, pp. 1–4.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], LOGOタートルの俳優術(2) [Anthropomorphization of LOGO Turtle (2)], in: LOGOジャーナル [LOGO Journal], vol. 1, no. 8, October 1984, pp. 1–4.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 消えた四寮寮歌 [Lost Dormitory Song of the Dormitory Four], in: 教育と情報 [Education and Information], 320, November 1984, pp. 14f.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 実験美学 [Experimental Aesthetics], in: 今道友信編 [Imamichi, Tomonobu] (ed.), 講座:美学3:美学の方法 [Lecture Series on Aesthetics Vol. 3: Methodology of Aesthetics], 東京大学出版会 [The University of Tokyo Press], Tokyo, 1984, pp. 143–175.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], “Mind as the Monad Society without God,” in: 都立工科短期大学研究報告 [Memoirs of the Metropolitan College of Technology], 13, March 1985, pp. 217–227.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 計算機と美学 [Computer and Aesthetics], in: 岩波講座マイクロエレクトロニクス10, 月報7 [Iwanami Lectures Series on Microelectronics 10, Monthly Report No. 7], April 1985, pp. 6–8.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 民族芸術の論理 [Logic of Folk Art], in: 民俗芸術 [Ethno-Art], 2, April 1985, pp. 174f.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 芸術記号の仕組 [The Mechanism of Artistic Symbols], in: 数理科学(特集:記号) [Mathematical Sciences (Special Issue: Symbols)], vol. 23, no. 6, June 1985, pp. 53–59.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 引用とデモン:芸術表現非正常化の仕組み [Quotation and Demon: The Structure of Abnormalization of Artistic Expression], in: 記号学研究 [Studia Semiotica (Journal of the Japanese Association for Semiotic Studies)], vol. 5, 1985, pp. 145–161.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 科学技術と芸術:神に倣い、人は自分に似せた機械を作る [Science, Technology, and Arts], in: 今道友信編 [Imamichi, Tomonobu] (ed.), 講座:美学5:美学の将来 [Lecture Series on Aesthetics Vol. 5: Future of Aesthetics], 東京大学出版会 [The University of Tokyo Press], Tokyo, 1985, pp. 87–109.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], “Image Transformation and Aesthetics,” in: 都立工科短期大学研究報告 [Memoirs of the Metropolitan College of Technology], 14, March 1986, pp. 79–82.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], “Imaging by the Society of Mind,” in: 都立工科短期大学研究報告 [Memoirs of the Metropolitan College of Technology], 14, March 1986, pp. 83–88.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 開かれる新しい芸術創造の世界 [Welcome to the New World of Artistic Creation], in: IITボイス [IIT Voice], 4, July 1986.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 情報理論とデザイン(インタビュー) [Information Theory and Design (Interview)], in: イコン(臨時増刊) [Icon (Special Issue)], December 1986, pp. 22–26.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], コンピュータ・グラフィックスの美学 [Aesthetics in Computer Graphics], in: 画像技術情報 [Image Technology Information], 7, 1986, pp. 2–8.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 美学とコンピュータの出会い [A Rendezvous of Computer and Aesthetics], in: 情報学研究会報 [Report on Informatics Study], vol. 2, no. 3, 1986.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], “Doraemon as an Artistic Image Processor,” in: Visual Computer, vol. 2, 1986, pp. 195–203.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 逸脱表現の解釈術 [Hermeneutics of Deviated Expressions], in: 科学哲学 [Kagaku Tetsugaku (Journal of the Philosophy of Science Society, Japan)], vol. 19, 1986, pp. 43–60.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 民族芸術の生活座標 [Life Coordinates of Folk Art], in: 木村重信編 [Kimura, Shigenobu] (ed.), 民族芸術学:その方法序説 [Folk Art: Its Discourse on a Method], 日本放送出版協会 [NHK Publishing], Tokyo, 1986, pp. 52–67.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], コンピュータと創造性:話題提供(2) [Computer and Creativity: Topics (2)], in: 戸田正直他編 [Toda, Masanao] et al. (eds.), 人間にとってのコンピュータ2:その人間性を探る [Computer to Man 2: Searching for its Humanity], 日経サイエンス社 [Nikkei Science], Tokyo, 1986, pp. 25–35.
Kawano, Hiroshi, “Empathizable Society of Mind for Abnormal Text,” in: Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Technology, 1, March 1987, pp. 107–127.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], コンピュータ俳句は可能か? [Is Computer Haiku Possible?], in: 太陽 [Taiyo], 305, March 1987, pp. 98.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 感性的人工知能:感情移入する社会 [Aesthetic Artificial Intelligence: Empathizing Society], in: 数理科学 (特集:感情と情報:感性と科学の接点) [Mathematical Sciences (Special Issue: Feeling and Information. Common Ground for Aesthetics and Science)], 288, June 1987, pp. 18–26.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], コンピュータの心:「中国語の部屋」から「心社会」へ [Mind of Computer: From “Chinese Room” to “Society of Mind”], in: 科学哲学(意識・機械・自然:科学とメタファー) [Kagaku Tetsugaku (Journal of the Philosophy of Science Society, Japan) – (Consciousness, Machine, Nature: Science and Metaphor)], vol. 20, 1987, pp. 15–30.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], untitled, in: 財団法人品川文化振興事業団O美術館・天野一夫編 [O Museum and Amano, Kazuo] (eds.), Arts on Computer, exhib. cat., O Museum, Tokyo, 1987, pp. 20–23.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], シンポジウム「内と外:民族芸術調査の方法」報告 [Report on the Symposium: In and Out – Methodology of Ethno-Art Research], in: 民族芸術 [Ethno-Art], 3, 1987, pp. 196–198.
Kawano, Hiroshi, “Mind of Computer – From Chinese Room to the Society of Mind,” in: Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology, 2, March 1988, pp. 117–126.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 認知科学への哲学的アプローチ [Philosophical Approaches to Cognitive Science], in: 人工知能学会誌(特集:認知科学) [Journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (Special Issue: Cognitive Science)], vol. 3, no. 2, March 20, 1988, pp. 178–185.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 脱インターフェース論 [The Theory of the Anti-interface], in: 記号学研究 [Studia Semiotica (Journal of the Japanese Association for Semiotic Studies)], vol. 7, May 1988, pp. 37–41.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 音楽情報の理論 [Informatics of Music], in: 情報処理(特集:計算機と音楽) [Journal of the Information Processing Society of Japan (Special Issue: Computer and Music)], vol. 29, no. 6, June 15, 1988, pp. 539–548.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 座談会計算機と音楽 [Round Table Talk: Computer and Music], in: 情報処理(特集:計算機と音楽) [Journal of the Information Processing Society of Japan (Special Issue: Computer and Music)], vol. 29, no. 6, June 15, 1988, pp. 613–622.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 美のイノベーション [Innovation of Beauty], in: 数理科学(特集:美) [Mathematical Sciences (Special Issue: Beauty)], vol. 27, no. 1, January 1989, pp. 5–11.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 身体表現の脱記号学 [Post-semiology of Body Expression], in: 体育の科学(特集:すがた・からだ・うごき) [Journal of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation (Special Issue: Figure, Body, Movement)], vol. 39, no. 1, January 1989, pp. 21–24.
Kawano, Hiroshi, “A New Method of Scientific Aesthetics (1),” in: Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Technology, 3, March 1989, pp. 105–117.
Kawano, Hiroshi, “A New Method of Scientific Aesthetics (2),” in: Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Technology, 3S, October 1989, pp. 37–51.
Kawano, Hiroshi, “Democracy in Computer,” in: Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Technology, 3S, October 1989, pp. 53–58.
Kawano, Hiroshi, “Living in an Alien Society,” in: FRIEND21 Workshop, Hakone, Japan, September 7, 1989, unpublished manuscript.
Kawano, Hiroshi, “The Markov Model of Art,” in: Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Technology, 3S, October 1989, pp. 59–66.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], コンピュータアートの可能性:小人達の旅語りモデル [The Possibility of Computer Arts: The Model of Homunculus’s Travels], in: Computer Today, 34, November 1989, pp. 64–69.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 書評:甘利俊一の『神経回路網モデルとコネクショニズム』 [Review on Amari, Shunichi’s “Neural Network Model and Connectionism”], in: 数理科学 [Mathematical Sciences], 321, March 1990, p. 83.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 書評:最近の並列分散システム理論の動向 [Review: A Current Stream of Parallel-distributed System Theories], in: 長野大学紀要 [Academic Bulletin of Nagano University], vol. 13, no. 1, June 1991, pp. 43–64.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 情報美学・CTG・CGアニメ(インタビュー) [Information Aesthetics, CTG and CG Animation (Interview)], in: NICOGRAPH News, 20, July 1990, pp. 6f.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], サイン・ブリコラージュ論 [Sign Bricolage], in: サイン・コミュニケーション刊行会編 [Sign Communication Publishing Group] (ed.), サイン・コミュニケーション [Sign Communication], 柏書房 [Kashiwashobo], Tokyo, September 1989, pp. 299–306.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], “Metaphor for Human Interface,” in: Next Generation Human Interface Architecture Workshop, Ohiso, October 11–13, 1990, unpublished manuscript.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 個:ポストモダンの競演者たち [The Individual: Players of Postmodern Art], in: 武蔵野美術 [Musashino Bijutsu of Musashino Art University], 78, 1990, pp. 34–38.
Kawano, Hiroshi, “A New Method in Scientific Aesthetics,” in: Semiosis, 59/60, Agis, Baden-Baden, 1990, pp. 31–62.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], しろうるり:並列分散表現としての比喩 [SHIROURURI: A Metaphor as Parallel-distributed Expression], in: 長野大学紀要 [Academic Bulletin of Nagano University], vol. 13, no. 2/3, December 1991, pp. 117–133.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 異世界像:その表現と理解 [Image of Alien World: Its Expression and Understanding], in: 科学哲学(異文化理解の基礎) [Kagaku Tetsugaku (Journal of the Philosophy of Science Society, Japan)], 24, 1991, pp. 1–16.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 創造的芸術表現法:芸術の心社会モデルについて [Methods of Creative Artistic Expression: On the Society of Mind-Model of Art], in: 臨床描画研究6別刷3 [Journal of the Japanese Association of Clinical Drawings, Suppl. 3], 1991, pp. 58–80.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 第一航測, 最後の新兵 [The First Air Signal Corps, the Last Youngest Soldier], in: 一航測 [Ichikosoku], 1991, pp. 13–18.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], “Empathetic Society of Mind for Abnormal Text,” in: Language of Design, vol. 1, Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, 1992, pp. 27–36.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 表現から構成へ:個間相互作用と全の発現 [From Representation to Construction: Interaction among the Individuals and Emergence of the Whole], in: 長野大学紀要 [Academic Bulletin of Nagano University], vol. 15, no. 1, June 1993, pp. 69–93.
Kawano, Hiroshi, “Aesthetics in Computer Science,” in: The 13th International Congress of Aesthetics, Lahti, Finland, 1995, unpublished manuscript, 6 pages (draft).
Kawano, Hiroshi, “Folk Aesthetics on Computer Metaphor,” in: Shenzhen International Aesthetics and Aesthetic Education Conference, Shenzhen, China, 1995, unpublished manuscript, pp. 1–10 and 5 additional unnumbered sheets.
Kawano, Hiroshi, “Folk Aesthetics and Computing Pluralism,” in: Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology, 10, December 1996, pp. 225–230.
Kawano, Hiroshi], “Folk Aesthetics on Computer Metaphor,” in: Semiosis, 83/84, Agis, Baden-Baden, 1996, pp. 67–80.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 『異文化経験としての舞踏』への感想 [Notes on “Dance as Cross-cultural Experience”], in: 佐々木健一編 [Sasaki, Ken-ichi] (ed.), 美学における感性・身体・共同体(第46回美学会全国大会におけるワークショップの論集) [Sensibility, Body, and Community in Aesthetics (Articles at the Workshop of the 46th Conference of the Japanese Society for Aesthetics)], 東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科美学芸術学研究室 [Aesthetics and Science of Arts Lab, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, Faculty of Letters, The University of Tokyo], Tokyo, 1996, pp. 221–225.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], Folk Aesthetics(民族美学)の構想(第48回美学会発表要旨) [A Conception of Folk Aesthetics (Abstract of the 48th Conference of the Japanese Society for Aesthetics)], in: 美学 [Bigaku (Journal of the Japanese Society for Aesthetics)], vol. 48, no. 3, December 31, 1997, p. 38.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 逆メタファーと民族美学 [Inverse Metaphor and Folk Aesthetics], in: 東アジア文化総合研究プロジェクト報告書第1集 [East Asian Culture Research Project Report No. 1], 1997, pp. 132–141.
Kawano, Hiroshi, “Inverted Metaphor and Folk Aesthetics,” in: The 2nd East Asian International Semiotic Seminar, Shanghai, China, 1997.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], ナラティブと図式アスペクト [Narrative and Schematized Aspect], in: 都立科学技術大学紀要 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology], 11, March 1998, pp. 239–251.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], Folk Aesthetics (民族美学)の新構築 [New Construction of Folk Aesthetics], in: 民族芸術第14号 [Journal of the Society for Ethno-Arts No. 14], April 1998, pp. 148–155.
Kawano, Hiroshi, “Inverted Metaphor and Folk Aesthetics,” in: Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology, 12, September 1998, pp. 139–150.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 引用と注釈:交信メッセージの構造 [Quotation and Comment: Structure of Communication Message], in: 都立科学技術大学紀要 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology], 12, September 1998, pp. 151–164.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 双面の自我:エージェントとエージェンシー [The Self with Double Faces (FUTAOMOTE): Agents and Agency], in: 都立科学技術大学紀要 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology], 12, September 1998, pp. 165–176.
Kawano, Hiroshi, “Folk Aesthetics and Computing Pluralism,” in: European Journal for Semiotic Studies, vol. 10, no. 3, 1998, pp. 483–492.
Kawano, Hiroshi, “Folk Aesthetics and Computing Pluralism,” in: The 15th Congress of International Association of Empirical Aesthetics, Rome, Italy, 1998, pp. 483–492.
Kawano, Hiroshi, “Inverted Metaphor and Folk Aesthetics,” in: The 14th International Congress of Aesthetics, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1998, unpublished manuscript.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 日本芸術と縄文精神(1)縄文ルネサンスと能 [Japanese Art and JOMON Spirit (1): JOMON Renaissance and NO], in: 都立科学技術大学紀要 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology], 13, November 1999, pp. 163–169.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 日本芸術と縄文精神(2)茶道・俳諧と日本的パラダイム [Japanese Art and JOMON Spirit (2): Tea Ceremony, Haikai, and Japanese Paradigm], in: 都立科学技術大学紀要 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology], 13, November 1999, pp. 171–178.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 感性計算論省察(1) [Meditations on Aesthetic Computation (1)], in: 都立科学技術大学紀要 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology], 13, November 1999, pp. 179–186.
Kawano, Hiroshi, “Folk Aesthetics as a Postmodern Paradigm,” in: The 20th Century Art, International Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1999, unpublished manuscript.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 意味と意図 [Meaning and Intention], in: 科学哲学 [Kagaku Tetsugaku (Journal of the Philosophy of Science Society, Japan)], vol. 32, no. 1, 1999, pp. 1–14.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 吉田論文「近代科学のパラダイム・シフト」へのコメント:いまひとつの情報論的転回 [A Comment to Yoshida’s Article “Paradigm Shift of Modern Science”: Another Informatic Turn], in: 国際高等研究所報告書 1998-012 情報論的転回 [International Institute for Advanced Studies, Report 1998-012], 1999, pp. 47–50.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 私の歴史哲学:犬死論 [My Philosophy of History: On Dying for Nothing], in: 一航測 [Ichikosoku], January 2000, pp. 6f.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 感性計算論省察(2) [Meditations on Aesthetic Computation (2)], in: 都立科学技術大学紀要 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology], 14, November 2000, pp. 173–179.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 感性計算論省察(3) [Meditations on Aesthetic Computation (3)], in: 都立科学技術大学紀要 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology], 14, November 2000, pp. 181–188.
Kawano, Hiroshi, “Folk Aesthetics as a Postmodern Paradigm,” in: The 1st International Conference of Eastern Aesthetics, Huhhot, China, 2000, unpublished manuscript.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 脱欧入亜考:ポストモダンのパラダイム新地動説を求めて [Leaving Europe and Shifting into Asia: For a Neo-heliocentric Paradigm of Postmodernism], in: 東アジア文化総合研究プロジェクト報告書第2集(平成10-12年) [East Asian Cultural Research Project Report Book No. 2 (1998–2000)], 2001, pp. 127–139.
Kawano, Hiroshi, “Ostension and Creation of Artwork,” in: The 15th International Congress of Aesthetics, Makuhari, Japan, 2001, unpublished manuscript.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 芸術的創造における直示 [Ostension in Artistic Creation], in: 第52回美学会全国大会報告書 [The Report on the 52nd Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Aesthetics], October 2001, pp. 48f.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 感性計算論省察(4) [Meditations on Aesthetic Computation (4)], in: 都立科学技術大学紀要 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology], 15, November 2001, pp. 171–178.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 感性計算論省察(5) [Meditations on Aesthetic Computation (5)], in: 都立科学技術大学紀要 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology], 15, November 2001, pp. 179–185.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 感性計算論省察(6) [Meditations on Aesthetic Computation (6)], in: 都立科学技術大学紀要 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology], 15, November 2001, pp. 187–194.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 古川哲史先生の詩集出版と卒寿を祝う集い記録 [Writings on the Celebration of Professor Furukawa, Tesshi’s Publication of Poetry, and Ninetieth Birthday], 白壁 [Shirakabe], 16, 2001, pp. 186f.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 感性計算論省察(7) [Meditations on Aesthetic Computation (7)], in: 都立科学技術大学紀要 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology], 16, November 2002, pp. 147–152.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 感性計算論省察(8) [Meditations on Aesthetic Computation (8)], in: 都立科学技術大学紀要 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology], 16, November 2002, pp. 153–158.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 感性計算論省察(9) [Meditations on Aesthetic Computation (9)], in: 都立科学技術大学紀要 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology], 16, November 2002, pp. 159–164.
Kawano, Hiroshi, “Locality of Artistic Creation,” in: International Conference on Aesthetics and Art Education, Qingdao, China, 2002, unpublished manuscript, pp. 1–6 (English) and 2003, pp. 245–253 (Chinese).
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 感性自律の意味を考える [Considering the Meaning of Aesthetic Autonomy], in: 第53回美学会全国大会報告書 [Report on the 53rd Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Aesthetics], 2002, pp. 48f.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 感性計算論省察(10) [Meditations on Aesthetic Computation (10)], in: 都立科学技術大学紀要 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology], 17, November 2003, pp. 183–189.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 感性計算論省察(11) [Meditations on Aesthetic Computation (11)], in: 都立科学技術大学紀要 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology], 17, November 2003, pp. 191–197.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 感性計算論省察(12) [Meditations on Aesthetic Computation (12)], in: 都立科学技術大学紀要 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology], 17, November 2003, pp. 199–205.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 感性計算論省察(13) [Meditations on Aesthetic Computation (13)], in: 都立科学技術大学紀要 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology], 18, November 2004, pp. 203–208.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 感性計算論省察(14) [Meditations on Aesthetic Computation (14)], in: 都立科学技術大学紀要 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology], 18, November 2004, pp. 209–214.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 感性計算論省察(15) [Meditations on Aesthetic Computation (15)], in: 都立科学技術大学紀要 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology], 18, November 2004, pp. 215–220.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 感性計算論省察(16) [Meditations on Aesthetic Computation (16)], in: 都立科学技術大学紀要 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology], 18, November 2004, pp. 221–227.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 唯識論と量子論:現代科学の中の東洋哲学 [Consciousness-only Theory and Quantum Theory: Asian Philosophy in Contemporary Science], in: 東アジア文化総合研究プロジェクト報告書 [East Asian Culture Research Project Report], vol. 3, 2004, pp. 159–174.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 収縮論:実在崩壊と意識創発の図式 [The Theory of Reduction: The Structure of Reality Collapse and Consciousness Emergence], in: 日本大学精神文化研究所紀要 [Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute, Nihon University], vol. 36, March 2005, pp. 23–48.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 感性計算論省察(17) [Meditations on Aesthetic Computation (17)], in: 都立科学技術大学紀要 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology], 19, January 2006, pp. 157–162.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 感性計算論省察(18) [Meditations on Aesthetic Computation (18)], in: 都立科学技術大学紀要 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology], 19, January 2006, pp. 163–169.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 感性計算論省察(19) [Meditations on Aesthetic Computation (19)], in: 都立科学技術大学紀要 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology], 19, January 2006, pp. 171–177.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 感性計算論省察(20) [Meditations on Aesthetic Computation (20)], in: 都立科学技術大学紀要 [Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology], 19, January 2006, pp. 179–185.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], コンピュータ・アートとは何か [What Is Computer Art?], in: 20世紀コンピュータ・アートの軌跡と展望:現代アルゴリズム・アートの先駆者・現代作家の作品・思想 [Twentieth-Century Computer Art: Beginnings and Developments – The Work and Thought of Pioneers and Contemporary Practitioners of Algorithmic Art], exhib. cat., 多摩美術大学美術館 [Tama Art University Museum], Tokyo, 2006, pp. 6–10.
芸術アルゴリズム研究会・多摩美術大学編 [Association for Algorithmic Art and Tama Art University] (ed.), 20世紀コンピュータ・アートの軌跡と展望:現代アルゴリズム・アートの先駆者・現代作家の作品・思想 [Twentieth -Century Computer Art: Beginnings and Developments – The Work and Thought of Pioneers and Contemporary Practitioners of Algorithmic Art], exhib. cat., 多摩美術大学美術館 [Tama Art University Museum], Tokyo, 2006, pp. 112–117.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 実在崩壊の自然弁証法 [Natural Dialectics of Reality Collapse], in: 論理哲学研究 [Journal of Logical Philosophy], vol. 5, 2007, pp. 7–17.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], 永井先生の学問に思う [Prof. Nagai’s Philosophy of Science in My View], in: 論理哲学研究 [Journal of Logical Philosophy], vol. 5, 2007, pp. 57–59.
Kawano, Hiroshi, “Seeking for the Real Meaning of Computer Art,” lecture at ZKM | Karlsruhe, Germany, June 13, 2010, unpublished manuscript, 6 pages.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], コンピュータと美学:コンピュータアートの創造的主体を求めて [Computer and Aesthetics: Searching for Creative Subject of Computer Art], in: 東京理科大学科学フォーラム [Science Forum of Tokyo University of Science], vol. 27, no. 7, July 2010, pp. 36–41.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], コンピュータアートのアーカイヴとZKM [Computer Art Archives and ZKM], in: 東京理科大学科学フォーラム [Science Forum of Tokyo University of Science], vol. 27, no. 1, October 2010, pp. 36–41.
川野 洋 [Kawano, Hiroshi], ミクロとマクロの間 [Between the Micro and the Macro], in: 日本論理哲学会第14回大会 [The 14th Conference of the Japan Association for Logical Philosophy], December 4, 2010, p. 2.
Kawano, Hiroshi, “What Is Computer Art?”, lecture at the Seoul Symposium, Seoul, Republic of Korea, April 30, 2011, unpublished manuscript.


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