BS DC Import ID
BS DC Import Time
Design - Head - Color

Opening Weekend

Open Codes. The World as a Field of Data

Sat, September 01 – Sun, September 02, 2018

On the first weekend in September we celebrate the beginning of the second phase of the exhibition »Open Codes« with a comprehensive workshop and education program at the ZKM. On September 1, the exhibition reopens with new works and a new name – »Open Codes. The World as a Field of Data« – for you.  

After the first phase of »Open Codes« showed various examples of coding, from Morse Code to genetic code, and their artistic and industrial application, the focus of the second phase is on the investigation of a world that is not only generated and controlled by things, words and images, but above all by data.

A total of 40 new works, which are primarily concerned with artificial intelligence and machine learning, await you, among them a »data cloud« – the large-scale installation »The World as a Field of Data«, consisting of 40 screens. 

Besides workshops, discussions and performances there will also be a reOPENING party and a hackLOUNGE.

More information about the program will follow soon.



Saturday, 01.09.




4 pm–6 pm 

Open Discussion: What is »Open Codes. The World as a Field of Data«?

OpenHUB, Atrium 8+9 


4.30 pm 

»In_Sight«:Guided tour through the exhibition »Open Codes. The World as a Field of Data« 

Meeting Point Info Point, no registration necessary 


7 pm 

»CryptoKitties – Bringing Blockchain to Life« 



9 pm –10 pm 

Performance (N-Polytope)



6 pm–2 am

reOPENing Party and hackLOUNGE 


Sunday, 02.09.



11 am–1 pm 

Particulate Matter Sensor Workshop

OpenHUB, Atrium 8+9 

11.30 am 

»In_Sight«: Guided tour through the exhibition »Open Codes. The World as a Field of Data« 

Meeting Point Info Point, no registration necessary 

2 pm–4 pm

Data Analysis Workshop

OpenHUB, Atrium 8+9 

3 pm–5 pm  

Behind the Artworks of Open Codes
Action Tour

Atrium 8+9, EG

4 pm–6 pm 

ACKERlab – Let's plant and code together 


Ackerspace, Lichthof 8+9


Organizing Organization / Institution

ZKM | Center for Art and Media
Accompanying program
Accompanying Program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

