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Florian Cramer


Florian Cramer is a writer, photographer, filmmaker and theorist. He is Applied research professor in New Media and their Impact on Art and Design at Hogeschool Rotterdam, where he serves as the Director of Creating 010, a center focusing on two areas of research: Communication in the Digital Age and Cultural Diversity. He is also a part-time programmer at WORM, the Rotterdam-based Institute of Avantgardistic Recreation.

Florian Cramer (*1969) studied comparative literature, art history and german philology at FU Berlin, Universität Konstanz and University of Massachusetts at Amherst. MA in comparative literature from Freie Universität Berlin (1998). 1999–2004 junior lecturer in Comparative Literature, FU Berlin. Administrated rohrpost list (with Tilman Baumgärtel), and with Alan Sondheim co-edited Unstable Digest of code poetry on nettime list. Coder of the combinatory poetry site Permutations, formerly busy in Neoism as fictioneered on Collaborated on the software art repository. Has published in the area of code poetry, comparative studies in the literature and the arts, modernism, text theory, literature and computing. In 2004 visited Piet Zwart Institute as a Media Design research fellow, wrote the essay Words Made Flesh, Code, Culture, Imagination and worked with students in workshops and tutorials. In summer 2006, returned as the new course director of the Media Design MA programme.

In 2010–11, he was the director of Piet Zwart Institute. Since 2011 he is a researcher at the Institute for Research and Innovation, Rotterdam University. Florian Cramer lives in Rotterdam since 2006.


ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

