Annie Pfeifer


A specialist in modern German literature, Dr. Annie Pfeifer is currently affiliated with the Robert Walser Center in Bern, Switzerland and the Rutgers University German Department where she taught in 2015–2016 as a Lecturer. She received her Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from Yale University in May 2015. Her research interests include literary and political theory, aesthetics, visual and material culture, new materialism, and museum studies. She is currently completing her book manuscript on modernist practices of collecting. She has forthcoming articles in the New German Critique and the collected volumes Que(e)rying Consent and Iran and the West. Together with the Robert Walser Center, she is co-organizing an international conference on Walser in May 2017.  She has also served as Visiting Assistant Professor of German and Comparative Literature at the University of Bern in Switzerland in 2014–2015.


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