Metamorphosis – Reading Group
Vor weißem Hintergrund verzweigt sich ein hellgrünes, fast neongrünes Wurzelsystem.
Mi, 05.01.2022 19:00 – 20:30 Uhr CET, Workshop
fully booked
Sprache: Englisch

Soil as a state of mind, or: »we are all temporarily not soil«*

In this session we are rooting into the collective care for, through and with soil, while digging for the poetics of earthly matters and their metabolic response-abilities.

Digital requirements: internet access, video conferencing capability (computer camera and microphone). The guided tour will be hosted on zoom. We will send you the Zoom link shortly before the workshop begins.

Readings: Excerpts from »The Word for World is Forest« by Ursula LeGuin (1972), »Metamorphoses« by Emanuele Coccia (2021), »Matters of Care: Speculative Ethics in More than Human Worlds« by Maria Puig de la Bellacasa (2017), a. o.

A digital reader will be provided the day before the event.

*Francis D. Hole


Sie erreichen uns:
Dienstag 13:00–18:00 Uhr,
Donnerstag 09:00–13:00 Uhr

Organisation / Institution
ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe
